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zhao_admin1年前 (2021-12-30)英语课件49

1.导入Lead-in导入与其他科目或者课型一样,大多采用图片法(picture),视频法(video),考生只需根据自身情况以及题目进行确定即可。2.写前Pre-writing写前是写作课的一个重要部分,此部分应解决两个问题―内容与规则。这两个问题分别包括哪些内容?又应该以何种方式去呈现呢?问题一:内容(主题theme,提纲outline,写作素材writing material)途径:讨论discussion,头脑风暴brainstorming问题二:规则(标点punctuation、格式format)途径:老师给出例子学生观察总结规律。 Students conclude the rules by observing the example the teacher gives.老师直接给出规则。 The teacher tells the rules directly.3. 写中 While-writing在听说课与阅读课中,听中或是读中这一环节是重头戏,然而,在写作课中,写中部分只是轻描淡写的一部分,在这一部分就是Writing with guidance 指导性写作,注意一些字数、格式和单词的问题。在这一环节中,教师语言相对较简单,可做如下参考。T: Just now we have discussed how to describe one person. Let us write a draft about one of friends. You should write it according to the words and the outline on the blackboard.Ss: ok…在以上相对固定的过渡语之后,可附加一些具体要求,举例如下:(1)According to the idea decided before, for 10 minutes, write about the topic by yourselves.根据之前的构思,10分钟时间,独立完成。(2)Write down everything that comes to your mind.写你所想(3)Do not judge your idea when start.不要开始时就自我否定(4)Do not worry about your spelling and grammar.不要担心拼写和语法(5)If you run out of things to say, continue to write whatever comes to your mind.如果你写不下去了,想到什么写什么。4.写后Post-writing写后部分也是写作课的重头戏之一。在这一环节中,可以做三件事。(1)修改Editing: 包括自我修正(Self-editing)和集体修正(Peer-editing),二选一即可。具体内容有内容Content,组织Organization,句子Syntax,措辞Vocabulary,格式规范 Format standard教师在此环节可进行如下语言设计。①自我修正Self-editingEg:T:Have you finished drafting?Ss: Yes.T: Now, you should check your own passage carefully and pay attention to the grammar, spelling and punctuation of your writing.②集体修正Peer-editing: 还是根据以上的五个标准,同桌或者组内互查,提出意见,作者修改。Eg:T:Have you finished?Ss: Yes.T: Now, you should change your article with your desk mates and check with each other. You can read the passage and pay attention to the grammar, spelling and punctuation of their writings.(2)评价与反馈Evaluation and feedback此环节要注意评价时的激励作用。(3)展示Present:可在小组内宣读,再由代表在全班内宣读交流;甚至制作板报、墙报,放入档案袋等。教师在此环节可进行如下语言设计。Eg:T:I’d like some of you to share your writing with us. Who would like to try? Emily? OK, please.Let’s present her writing on the screen and check it together.5.小结作业 Summary and homework作业部分与其他课型稍有不同,要体现出写作课的特点,建议以以下两种方式进行。・完善complete・仿写 imitative writing/ imitate




