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人教版七年级英语下册unit7 第二个3a讲解(全面一点)

zhao_admin2年前 (2022-01-02)英语课件54

约翰尼*迪安的新形象: 你还记得那个戴着滑稽眼镜、梳着长卷发的流行歌手约翰尼*迪安吗?现在他以一个新形象出现在世人眼前。他不再梳长长的卷发了,而是变成了短短的直发。而且他不再带他那副眼镜了。但是有一些人不喜欢他的新形象。“我认为它不是很棒”,来自纽约的露丝说,“但是我的妈妈喜欢。” 行么?

一、1. beef 2. large, medium, small 3. potatoes, fish 4. green tea 5. size 二、1. kinds 2. to have 3. tomatoes 4. shopping 5. noodles 三、1. What size 2. Would, like 3. would like 4. What kind of, would 5. What would, like 6. What’s 7. would like, have 8. or 9. Would, like, have 10. I wouldn’t like 第二课时【同步演练】 一、1. would like 2. what size 3. order food 4. make a menu 5. 橘子汁 6. big 7. tomatoes 8. middle 9. He would 10. potatoes 11. him 12. has 13. small 二、1. large 2. size 3. number 4. potatoes 5. porridge 6. order 7. orange juice 8. drink 三、1. is 2. are 3. to come 4. are buying 5. to drink 6. has 7. listening 8. to see 9. help 10. tomatoes, porridge 11. watch 四、1~5. CCDAB 6~10. ABBCB 11~12. BC




