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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-01-04)历史课件49


觉得这主要是指 :废除“井田制”、实行土地私有制吧。
废井田,开阡陌 在全国范围废除井田制度,实行土地私有制度。废止“田里不粥”的原则,准许民间卖买田地。此后秦政府虽仍拥有一些国有土地,如无主荒田、山林川泽及新占他国土地等,但后来又陆续转向私有。。“开阡陌封疆”就是把标志土地国有的阡陌封疆去掉,废除奴隶制土地国有制,实行土地私有制。从法律上废除了井田制度。法令规定,允许人们开荒,土地可以自由买卖,赋税则按照各人所占土地的多少来平均负担。此后秦政府虽仍拥有一些国有土地,如无主荒田、山林川泽及新占他国土地等,但后来又陆续转向私有。这样就破坏了奴隶制的生产关系,促进了封建经济的发展。


The historical role: Economy: radically established the private ownership of land, bring vitality to the agricultural production of Qin.Politics: make the function of the feudal state machine more perfect, the construction of the centralized system of centralization of power from now on.Military: greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the Qin Qin, grasp the initiative in foreign mergers war.In short, Shang Yang's reform is a reform in the Warring States period. The most thorough reform of Qin and Qin unified fuguoqiangbing laterChina has laid the foundation. Played an important role in the history of Qin and China development.Historical limitations: Shangyang reform in an alternate history period, the fierce power struggle between the new and the old historical characteristics and reform the class attribute of the reform is inevitable with some limitations. Reform and Enlightenment in contempt, advocating misdemeanor penalties. Reform in a certain extent aggravated the exploitation and oppression of the people. Political reform is not the old system culture, customs and draw a line completely.Shangyang reform conforms to the direction of historical development, to promote the development of the Qin Dynasty, embodies the requirements of the times. Shangyang reform despite its limitations, but these do not cover up the great progress of the reform of. Their enthusiasm is the mainstream, the negative living in the secondary position




