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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-01-06)英语课件39

(一) 名词
1 执照 license =licence 在美语中license是动词或名词。在英语中license
drive license 驾照
2 耳环 earring
3 学习 study study 侧重指主观上努力学习的动作,即“用功”“求学”。
learn 侧重指学习结果,即“学会”。
learn from “向…学习”。
study under “在…指导下学习”。
4 现在 present 作名词时也是“礼物”。作动词时是“赠予”。作形容词时是“在场的”。
5 机会 opportunity chance “机会”强调其偶然性。
opportunity “机会,机遇”带有适逢其机会,正好便于行事之意。
6 自愿者 volunteer 作动词时是“自愿”。
volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事
volunteer sb. for sth. 让他做某事
7 会员 member 形容词形式memberless“无会员的”。 life member 终身会员
member of a staff 一群人中的一员
8 混乱 mess 作动词时是“弄脏”。
be in a mess 杂乱无章某物
mess sth.(up) 弄脏
make a mess of 把…弄脏
9 简报 newsletter
10 重要 importance 形容词形式是important“重大的”
put importance on sth. 认为某事很重要
11 要点 point point作动词时是“指向”。
aton the point of 将近
off the point 偏离要点
to the point 切中要点

(二) 动词
1 刺穿 pierce get ear pierced 打耳洞
2 集中 concentrate 形容词形式是concentrated“集中的”。
3 设计 design 名词形式是designer“设计者”。
of the latest design 最新设计的
4 经历 experience 作“经验”时,是不可数名词。
5 回答 reply answer 可指解数学题,含“令人满意地回答”之意。
reply 指经过思考后详细的回答。
answer=reply to
6 服从 obey 不服从disobey
7 完成 achieve =come true 作名词时是achievement“愿望”。
8 赛跑 race 作名词时是“与…比赛”。
9 teach过去式或过去分词 taught
10 成功 succeed 名词形式是success“成功之人”
succeed in doing sth.成功做某事
succeed to sth.继承

(三) 形容词
1 愚蠢的 silly silly “傻”,着重头脑简单,不懂事,有单纯,糊涂意味。
foolish “蠢”,着重缺乏智慧或判断力。
stupid “笨”,着重生理迟钝,反应迟钝。
2 地方的 local
3 困倦的 sleepy sleep “睡”,表持续性状态。
sleepy “想睡的,困乏的”。
asleep “睡着的,睡熟的”,常作表语。
fall asleep 表“入睡”的短暂动作。
4 现实的 realistic 同义词 real

四 其他
1 代替 instead of 介词短语,后接名词或动名词,代词等作宾语,放在句中。
instead of 用甲而不用乙,除掉“代替”之意外,还有对乙否定意味。
in place of 一般指以甲代乙。
2 熬夜 stay up 迟睡 sit up
3 全神贯注 concentrate on
4 目前 at present =now=at the present time
5 养老院 old peoplr’s home
6 挡道的 in the way
get in the way of=be in the of 妨碍
7 担心 care about
喜欢 care for
留神 take care
照顾 take care of
仔细地 with care
注意… give care to
在…的照料下 in the care of
一般现、过用be done,be有人称、时、数变。
完成时态have done,被动将been加中间。
一般将来shall (will) do,被动变do为be done。
将来进行无被动,shall (will) be doing,
现在完成进行同,have (has) been doing。
现、过进行be doing, 被动be加being done。
一般情助加be done,双宾多将间宾变。
第二句be有人称、时、数变即be有人称、时态和单、复数的变化。情助是指情态动词和助动词must, may, can, shall, will等一律随新主语(多是主动句中的宾语)来变化。疑问一助置主前是说有两个助动词的话,应把主语放在第一助动词之后或把第一助动词置于主语之前。
1.一般现在时 am/is/are+V(p.p)
2.一般过去时 was/were + V(p.p)
3一般将来时 will/shall +be+V(p.p)
4.过去将来时 should/would +be+V(p.p)
5.现在进行时 am/is/are +being+V(p.p)
6.过去进行时 was/were +being+V(p.p)
7.现在完成时 have/has +been+V(p.p)
8.过去完成时 had +been+V(p.p)
9.将来完成时will have +been+V(p.p)
10. 过去将来完成时would have +been+V(p.p)
12.含有“be going to”, “be to”等结构的谓语,变成被动语态时,分别用“be going to +be +V(p.p)”和“be to+be+V(p.p)

1.We found some jewels in a box.
2.The teacher is keeping the pupils at school for a revision.
3.James has left a parcel for you.
4.You must finish the article before Friday.
5.They will not paint the house again next year.
6.They promised Mary a new doll for her birthday.
7.I have told the children many times not to skate on the pond.
8.Where did he translate the story?
9.We had to repair our TV set.
10.Do they take good care of the sick?
11.They company has paid the workers very handsome wages.
12.They showed me the room where they lived.
1.Spanish is spoken in South America.
2.The plans will have to be revised.
3.All the words must be looked up in a dictionary.
4.Has John been cured of his heart illness?
5.The door should not have been left open all night.
6.We are afraid that we may be attacked at night.
7.We are being taught how to operate the new machine.
Our desks and chairs ________________ (make) of wood. The paper of books and newspapers ______ also ___________ (make) from wood. Even some kinds of cloth __________________ (make) from it. Many people ____________ (burn) wood to keep themselves warm in winter. Indeed, wood _______ (be) important in our everyday life.
Where ________ wood __________ (come) from? It ________________ (take) from trees which _____________(grow) in the mountains. _________ you ____________ (know) how it ____________ (get) to us from the mountains?
First of all, trees ___________(cut) down when they ______________(grow) big enough. Then their branches _______________ (cut) off, and logs _______________(make).These heavy logs ________________(put) together in different ways and _________________ (take) down to the foot of the mountains. Some of them _________________ (float使漂流) down the small rivers and others _________________ (carry) down on trains.
Big trees ________________(cut) down in the mountains every year. Then young ones ______________________ (must, plant) so that we ______ always ________________ (can, have) enough wood. We have to take good care of mountains so that they __________ always _________________ (may, cover) with growing trees.
1.The shirt washes well.
2.The shirt is being washed now.
3.The door won’t lock.
4.The shop is closed now.
5.The room is filled with smoke.
6.It is reported that the big fire has been put out.
1. When I got to his office, I __________ that he_________ out.
A. told, had been B. was told, was
C. had told, was D. was told, had been
2. The vegetables didn’t taste very good. They ______ for too long.
A. cooked B. were cooked
C. had cooked D. had been cooked A. told, had been
3. The anti-Japanese war ______ in 1937 and it ______ eight years.
A. was broken, lasted B. broke out, lasted
C. break out, lasted D. broke out, was lasted
4. She was heard ________ an English song.
A. to sing B. sing
C. sang D. to be sang
5. These boxes are very heavy ___.
A. be carried B. carry
C. carried D. be carrying
6. The police found that the house ________ and a lot of things ________.
A. had been broken into, has been stolen
B. has broken into, has been stolen
C. had been broken into, stolen
D. has broken into, has stolen
7. Coal can ________ to produce electricity for agriculture and industry.
A. have used B. used C. be used D. use
8. John has never dreamt of _________.
A. taken to Athens B. taking to Athens
C. be taking to Athens D. being taken to Athens
9. Nobody likes __________.
A. laughed at B. laughing at
C. being laughed at D. being laughed
10. The bridge ___________ will be completed next year.
A. built B. being built C. is being built D. building
11. It is said that tigers ________ in Asia year after year.
A. are being disappeared B. are disappearing
C. will be disappeared D. will disappear
12. I’m going to Wuhan tomorrow. Do you have anything ____
to your mother?
A. to take B. taken C. to be taken D. taking
13. Take it easy. There is nothing ______.
A. to worry B . to be worried
C. to be worried about D. to worry about
14. Your new computer will soon become outdated, because technology
_______so fast.
A. is developed B. is being developed
C. has been developed D. will developed
15. I won’t go to the party unless _________.
A. invited B. being invited
C. be invited D. inviting
16. The problem ________ last week is very important.
A. was discussed B. discussed
C. being discussed D. be discussed
17. We should keep the animals from ________.
A. be endangered B. endangering
C. being endangered D. endangered
18. There are no rivers _______out of the Dead Sea.
A. flowed B. flowing
C. being flowed D. be flown
19. This place has been destroyed. So there is no bamboo ______
for pandas to feed on.
A. left B. leaving C. leave D. be left
20. All the preparations for the task ________ , and we are ready to start.
A. completed B. complete
C. had been completed D. have been completed
1. Teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends every night
2. Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes.
3. She should stop wearing that silly earring.
4. I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.
5. Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes
6. We have a lot of rules at my house.
7. The other day, my friend and I talked about the rules that we have in school.
8. Our teachers believe that we if did that, we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies.
9. That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy .
10. It’s also probably a good idea for parents during the evening .
11. We also think that vacations should be longer .
12. Longer vacations would give us time to things like volunteering
13. It would be a good experience for me because I want to be a doctor when I’m older .
14. What time do you finish basketball practice today.
15. Everyone needs to have at least eight hour’s sleep a night
16. At our school, we sonetimes have a special day to help others.
17.On Friday afternoons, many students are sleepy after a long week of classes..
18.I would like to reply to the article “Helping and learning ” in you last newsletter.
19. But sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork ,and parents worry about their child’s success at school.
20. Teenagers often think the should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want
21. That’s great, and my wife and I have watched him in every one of his races
22. He needs to think about what will happen if he doesn’t become a professional runner in the end
23. Being a professional runner is the only thing I have ever wanted to do.
24. Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream
Section A
1.go out with sb 与某人一起外出
2. have part time jobs 从事业余工作
3. get one’s ears pierced 打耳眼
4. choose one’s own clothes 选择自己的衣服
5. a driver’s license 驾驶执照
6. go to the mall 去市场
7.make conversation作对话 wake at night在深夜工作
8. serious enough 足够严肃 old enough 年级足够大 calm enough 足够沉着 (enough adj.&adv. 修饰形容词、副词、不定代词时,放在修饰词后. 作定语修饰名词时可放在名词前,亦可放名词后,放名词前强调enough,放名词后强调名词.)
9. sixteen—year—olds 十六岁的孩子们
10. Allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 allow doing sth 允许做某事
11. cut one’s hair = have one’s hair cut 理发
12. stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下手中的事情去做另一件事
stop sb/sth from doing sth 阻止某物/某人做某事 can’t stop doing sth 禁不住做某事
13. on weekends 在周末
14. need to do sth 需要做某事
doing sth 代替做某事
15.instead of sth/sb 代替某物/某人

instead of =in place of =take the place of
16. at that age 在那个年龄 at the age of 在某人多大时
17. seem +形容词/名词/介词 看上去… seem to do sth 看上去要做某事
it seems +that从句 看上去……
18. look/ feel/ sound/ taste/ smell 等感官动词后接形容词
19. so+ 助动词+主语 和…一样 相关:so +主语+助动词 确实如此
20. on school nights 在上学时间的每个晚上
21. what about/how about doing sth …怎么样?(表示建议)
22. go shopping 去购物
23. stay up 醒着不睡
24. clean up 打扫、清除
25. stay at home 待在家里
26.in the correct order正确的次序
Section B
Get to school late 迟到
1. fail a test 考试不及格(失败) take a test 参加考试 pass the test 通过考试
2. be strict with 对某人严格要求
3. the other day 前几天
4. would like to do sth 想做某事 = want to do sth = feel like doing sth
5. concentrate more on 更专注于…
6. be good for 对…有好处
7. keep sb/sth +形容词 保持某人/某物出于某种状态 keep (sb) doing sth 保持(某人一直)做某事
8. both… and … …和…都, 两个都…
9. in groups 以小组的形式
10. learn from each other 相互学习
11. at present 在目前
12. have an opportunity to do sth 有一个机会做某事
13. an English—English dictionary 一本英英词典
14. How do you like …= What do you think of … 你认为…怎么样?
15. an old people’s home 一所养老院
16. have +一段时间+off 放…的假
1. get in the way of… 妨碍…
2. worry about 担心
3. as much as they want 像他们想的一样多
4. a professional athlete 一名专业运动员
5. in the end = at last 最后
6. make a decision 做一个决定
7. the importance of working hard 努力工作的重要性
8. be serious about 对…认真
9. practice doing sth 练习做某事
(in) doing sth 某人花费多长时间做某事
10. sb spend some time
on sth 某人在某事上花费多长时间

11. care about sb 关心某人
12. be always doing sth 总是做某事
13. have a chance of doing sth 有一个机会做某事
1.We would concentrate more on our ____than our clothes.
2.Do you think it’s a good ____to swim in the summer.
3.many students are____after a long week of classes.
4.I would like to ____to the article“Halping and learning” in your last newsletter.
5.Mr and Mrs Liu have watched liu yu in every one of his_____
6.Many parents ______ their children.
7.do you think habbies can ______of schoolwork?
8.Tom_____in last examination.
9.Anyone can see the______of good health.
10.You should go out playing ______ working all day.

Experience,study,sleep,reply, get in the way,succeed,instead of.
care about,important,race.
1、We won’t allow ___in the cinema.But you are allowed ___in the rest room.(smoke)
2、---I hate vegetables.I ___eat them.
---But they’re good for your health. You should often eat them.
3、The young boy is good___me,He is good___English,and he often tells me oral practice is good___improving spoken English.
4、Only then___that he had lost a chance of achieving his dream.
5、I haven’t had enough___lately.
6、His bike is broken.It needs___soon.
7、Three more men___(need) to do the work every day.
8、Can’t the flowers___(see) by you?
9、Hard work leads to s___
10、I must get the television___(fix) up.
11、Tim needs to cut his hair because his hair is too long .(改为同义句)
Tim needs to___his hair___because of his___hair.
12、I didn’t go there by bike. Iwent there on foot. (改为同义句)
I went there on foot___ ___by bike.
We should be ___ ___the problem.
14、This kind of food___cool,ckean and dry according to the instructions.
15、Mr Green is a doctor of ___and his daughter Ann is___college student.
1. _Hello,my name is Johnson . I believe you have a room ________(book)for me .
_Johnson? Oh, yes, Mr Johnson .It’s Room 1201 ,on the second floor.
2.” Would you like some more chicken ?”
“No, I have had ________(enough).”
3. When __________the first man-made satellite__________(send) upinto space?
4. John ______(hear) to go upstair two hours ago.
5. He will have a worker ___________(repair) his car.
6. We succeeded __________(ciimb) the high mountain.
7. I don’t think they are careful,___________?(they).
8. We won’t allow ______(smoke) in the cinema. But you are allowed __________(smoke) in the rest room..
9. Something is wrong with my computer .I’ll get it ________(repair).
10. As students,we should keep our classroom __________(clean and tidy)
11.—I have three English magazines.
I have nine.I have three as _________(more) as you.
His bad hobby _____ ______the way of his progress.
1.Father asked Tom to be strict with himself and with his study.( )________________
2.It can keep us warmly.( )____________.
3.Here are some books.You can choose the one you like it.(




