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急求人教版九年级英语助学第四单元题目 老师让做第四单元的内容,我把助学落学校了,谁能把题目给我啊?

zhao_admin1年前 (2022-01-13)英语课件44

初三全科目课件教案习题汇总语文数学英语物理化学 三.阅读理解(20分)A Mexico's neighbors are the United States to the north and Guatemala and Belize to the south. Mexico is about one quarter of the size of the United States. Mexico has more than ninety million people. The language of Mexico is Spanish. This makes Mexico have the most people who speak Spanish in the world. Mexico City is the capital and largest city of Mexico. The city is also very high. It is 7349 feet high (2,240 meters). This makes it one of the highest capital cities in the world. The population, of Mexico City grows bigger every day. About thirty million people live there. It has more people than any other city in the world, even more than Tokyo. Mexico also has its specialties. Many of the foods we eat started in Mexico. Foods like beans, maize, avocados, tomatoes, peanuts, chili peppers, vanilla, and chocolate come from Mexico. Mexico is also famous for its cactus (仙人掌) plants. Mexico has more kinds of cactus than any other country. ( ) 26. Mexico is ____the USA. A. on the south of B. on the north of C. a part of D. as large as ( ) 27. Mexicans speak______. A. English B. French C. Spanish D. Latin (拉丁语) ( ) 28. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. B. The population of Mexico City is 30,000,000. C. Tokyo is one of the cities with the largest population. D. Mexico City is one of the highest cities in the world. ( )29.Tomatoes were originally (最初) grown in ______. A. America B. Spain C. Tokyo D. Mexico ( ) 30. The best title of the passage is ___. A. Mexico City B. Mexico's plants C. Mexico D. Mexico's population B Mr. White lives in a village. He has a big farm and he is the richest there. He has pigs, chicks, cows and sheep .He works in the fields with some workers and his wife has to do all the housework at home. So she is very busy and often asks her husband to employ a girl to help her, but he doesn’t agree.“There’re so many chicks, dear,” said the women one day,” I can’t look after them at all.” That’s easy,’ said Mr. White,”Mr. Black’s farm is nest to ours. We’d better make a few holes in the walls and our chicks will go to his farm though them and eat his vegetables.’’“That’s a good idea!” The women said happily.Soon Mr. Black found it. He told the Whites about it, they promised they would stop their chicks doing it, but they didn’t keep their promises at all. The man thought for a while and found a way. He put nearly twenty eggs near the holes one afternoon. And that evening when he was counting his chicks, he called out in his farm,”Oh, I’m lucky today! I have found twenty eggs in my farm.’’Of course, the woman saw it herself, and the next morning Mr. Black found all the holes had been stopped up. ( ) 31.Mr White’s farm and Mr. Black’s farm were_________.A. in different villages B. in different towns C. far from each other D. next to each other ( ) 32.Mrs White is busy because___________. A. she has a few farms. B. she has to do much housework. C. she has to help her husband. D. she isn’t strong enough to do all.( ) 33. Mr. White doesn’t agree with his wife because_______.A. he has little money to emply a helper for his wife. B. he thinks his wife is very lazy. C. he tries his best to save money. D. He has enough time to help his wife. ( ) 34. Mr. White made some holes in the walls to_________. A. let his chicks go to Mr. Black’s farm.B. let his chicks to lay some eggs in Mr. Black’s farm.C. make Mr. Black angry. D. Watch his chicks. ( )35. The Whites thought_________,so they stopped up the holes in the walls. A.Mr Black will kill their chicks B. their chicks laid the eggs outside C. Mr. Black’s chicks would go to their farmD. Mr. Black would tell the police about it 四.任务型阅读(10分)Every morning at eleven o’clock, a well-known millionaire(百万富翁) drove his car through Central Park in New York. Each time he noticed a poorly dressed man sitting on a park bench. (1)The man always sat there, watching a hotel in which the millionaire lived. One day, the millionaire stopped his car and said to the man,” Excuse me, I just want to know why you sit here, watching my hotel every morning.” “Sir,” said the man,”(2)我没有钱,没有工作,没有家. I sleep on the bench and every night I dream that one day I will sleep in that hotel.” The millionaire had an idea then said ,” (3)今晚你的梦想会实现的.I will pay for the best room in that hotel for you for a whole month.”A few days later, the millionaire went by the man to ask him how he was enjoying himself.(4) To his surprise, he found the man had moved out of the hotel, back to his park bench. When the millionaire asked why, the man said,” You see, when I’m down here sleeping on my bench, I dream I’m up there, in that hotel. It’s a wonderful dream. But when I was there, I dreamed I was back on this cold bench. It was terrible, I couldn’t get any sleep at all.’’根据短文内容,完成下列各题。1. 将(1),(4)处划线部分翻译成汉语:(1)_____________________________________________________________ (4)_____________________________________________________________ 2.将(2),(3)处划线部分翻译成英语:(2)____________________________________________________________ (3)______________________________________________________________ 3.请给短文拟一个适当的题目(不多于10个词)_________________________________________________________________ 五.词汇(25分)(一)单词拼写:根据句意和所给单词首字母或汉语提示填空(10分)1. I asked his p______ to use his bike, but he didn’t allow me.2. He is very c______ and he believes he can do everything well. 3. He didn’t agree me, so he r______ to do it with me.4.Miss Li________(介绍) a new student to the class yesterday. 5.You needn’t get________(紧张)before an exam, or you will fail to pass it. (二)综合填空(15分)根据短文意思,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空(有两项是多余的)well; how; try; home; want; find; why; kill; way; for; they; at Thousands of years ago, people didn’t live in cold places because they didn’t know how to keep(1)_____warm. Later they learned to make clothes. When an animal was (2) _____, they made use of its skins to cover their bodies. The skins kept them warm. Nature is people’s good friend. It once helped people (3) ___ fire. When lightning hit a forest and started a fire, People took some of this fire to their (4) ____.The fire kept them warm and also frightened wild animals. Soon people found the food cooked tasted much (5)_____,so they began to use the fire to cook food . But people still didn’t know (6) _____to make a fire. When they got a fire from the forest, they (7) _____ to keep it burning. If it went out, they had to wait for years. Later they found different (8) ______ to make fire. For example, they made fire by burning wood or knocking two pieces of stones. Today it’s easy (9) _____ people to make fire because they have matches, lighters and different kinds of heaters. They can make fire(10)___any time they need . (1)______ (2)______(3)_____(4)______(5)_______ (6)______(7)______(8)______(9)_____(10)_______ 六.书面表达(15分)请以“If I were a teacher”为题,写一篇80字左右的短文。If I were a teacher 第四单元检测题参考答案Unit4 1―5BCACB 6---10BDCAB 11---15BBCDA 16---20ADBCD 21---25DADBB 26-30ACBDC 31---35DBCAB 四.1.(1.)那个人总是坐在那儿,注视着这位百万富翁居住的旅馆。(4.)让他惊讶的是,他发现那个人已经从旅馆里搬了出来,回到公园的长登上。2.(2.)I have no money, no jib, and no home. (3.) Tonight your dream will come true. 3. Two dreams 五.(一)1. permission 2. confident 3. refused 4. introduced 5. nervous (二)(1)them/themselves (2)killed (3)find/to find (4)homes (5)better (6)how (7)tried (8)ways (9)for (10)at 六.If I were a teacher, I would be very confident. I think I would be kind to each of my students. As a teacher, love is the most important to every student. I would regard each student as my own kid. I would guide them to be polite and study hard to be a useful man in the future. I would get on well with them and give them what I could do to help them when they were in trouble.








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