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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-01-17)英语课件47

Ji'nan is located in the southwest of Shandong Province, is a long history of the ancient city of scenic spots, which takes the three major scenic spots: Qianfo Hill, the famous Baotu Spring and Daming Lake won the majority of tourists recognized. It has a spring water every family, every household weeping willow, reputation, this is the pride of the people of the city of springs. Today's Quancheng children make this three big scenic spots become more beautiful and spectacular. The beautiful Ji'nan is known as Spring City, spring reputation, with Pamela Qinglie many of the spring water, these cool refreshing water formed in Ji'nan City, a beautiful scenery line, add unlimited colors for the city of Ji'nan. In Ji'nan City, the most famous seventy-two springs, the most famous is to Baotu Spring. It day and night, keep rolling forward, and has brought vitality to the city of springs. Baotu Spring park is located in Ji'nan City, it is the main cultural park in spring. Baotu Spring is the seventy-two spring of the crown, is a symbol of the city of Ji'nan, which is known as the Ji'nan travel not swim Baotu Spring not swim said. Baotu Spring and the nearby Jin Xianquan, Shu Yuquan, Liu Xuquan and so on more than 20 at the springs make up the Baotu Spring group, it is the first of four Ji'nan springs. Baotu Spring many places of historic interest and scenic beauty, profound culture. With its long history and culture, has won the praise of countless tourists in place of ancient and modern. In Baotu Spring Park as Li Qingzhao memorial hall, the former residence of Yi An, bamboo garden, and many other famous springs E-British Temple inscriptions, is an important birthplace of Ji'nan culture.







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