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九年级英语上册第三单元self check 2 的作文怎么写。。

zhao_admin1年前 (2022-01-30)英语课件53

 Dear Editor,
I would like to reply the article Helping and learning in your last newspaper. I agree with some ideas and disagree with others, Tha article said that students should be allowed to take time to do volunteer activities more often. I agree . I think students should do as much volunteering as possible. They can learn more by volunteering than by reading in the classroom. They can get enough experience if they do many volunteer activities. The article also said students should be allowed to have Friday afternon off. I don't agree with this idea. Ifstudents are sleepy ,they can rest on weekends not on Friday afternoon. Time is limited . they should make good use of it and study hard .
Your sincerely




