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商务英语写作 高分悬赏!

zhao_admin1年前 (2022-02-05)英语课件47

May 20, 2011
Dear Sir or Madam:
We have received with thanks your offer .In compliance with the conditions, we want to order 500 typewriters, brand ”friendship”, model 262 with US$300 per unit price (CIF New York). Shipment for the order is to be made in July and October.
As the amount of money to be paid for the goods is up to as much as $150,000, it will cause problems as we have capital tied up for three to four months. We would be most grateful if you could agree the terms of payment by L/C 30 days.
Owning to your consistent care, we would be most appreciated if you could extend this favor.
If you accept the conditions above, please send us your contract. As soon as we receive the contract we will open a relative L/C.
Yours sincerely,
May 20, 2011
Dear Sir or Madam:
Thank you for your letter and samples on April 15.
We found the samples satisfactory but the price you offered is on the high side and higher than the market price. Some information showed that the brand you offered can also be get from other suppliers. We do not deny that the quality of your products is better, however, no matter what; the price difference also cannot be too big. If you agree to reduce your limited price, for example, 5% off, we may make a deal.
We hope you will consider our counter-offer most advantageous. We are looking forward to start business with you and your prompt reply.
Yours sincerely,











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