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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-02-06)英语课件61

News is the focus of people, many people like to show. Is it arouses housework state, everything just people's desire, which affects the hearts of colur to remind people of the news reporter, you see, they many great, brave! I really admire them. In the evening, I dreamed I take this camera, hand, became a good interview.

If I am a journalist, I'll be interviewing ordinary farmers, for their cause, for they bolster, and they tell the truth, farmers are working hard, we must care for them, to help them.

If I am a journalist, I like the focus of interviews, the great uncle corruption fraud, let them all exposed the ugly face. Remind people bad is all around us, must be vigilant.

If I am a journalist, I want to go to the forefront of earthquake relief, understand the situation, tell everybody. How many victims were armed police officers, angel in white saved many innocent lives, including how aseismatic heroes emerge from all walks of life, and how people, disaster rescue, how will I self-preservation arouses people merciless disaster people love, love.

If I am a journalist, I want to go to the games, when the five-star red flag rise of that a moment, when the national anthem of singing, I put the exciting news spread all over the world. For the Olympic athletes, our country's honor.

If I am a journalist, I want to wars in the battlefield, where people in the war brought them disaster and pain, I want to tell them to people all over the world, let them give a little love, let the world becomes more harmonious happy!

If I am a journalist, where I need, I'll where, for the motherland's interests and honor, and for the people's sufferings and scream!











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