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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-02-06)英语课件48

View gamecock
The first time I saw a cock fight scene is really surprising.
It was a Sunday afternoon, I was window homework, I suddenly saw the big cocks and small cocks actually playing up: big cock, small cock crest directed at a peck, but a small cock leisurely side of the head , no other large cock his head to go back, it will ramp lips a peck, just peck at the eyes on the big cock, big cock, cried, launching the anger, a pair of swollen eyes watching a small cock, small cock also milli do not show weakness, neck Yishenyishen's ready for battle, suddenly big cock sky dive jump out sharp claws, small cock was throwing herself to the ground, big cock, taking advantage of this time back down the small cock small cock look at the neck, blood from small rooster's neck and upper class down, I was taken aback, was about to help it in the past. Suddenly a small cock big cock energetically to put pressure on the ground, big cock, big war effort, they refused to give a stand up jumped up, no one dares to accumulate strength while attacking each other while looking for opportunities. Suddenly two cock out Tiezui to each other over the past four wings flutter in the air and swat was knocked feathers floating in the air. . . .
Back home, my heart a long time can not be calm. Day night view of cock-fighting scene in my mind there.






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