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环保英语作文 实际一点

zhao_admin1年前 (2022-02-09)英语课件67

The more people,the more pollution.As one member of the earth,I must try to protect our home.I am not powerful,I can do my own thing,at least stop polluting and wastage.In my daily life,I go to work by bike.At home ,I turn off the appliances when I go out.For my rubbish,I recycle the paper and plastics.Maybe what I do are all little things,if everyone can do the same little thing,I believe we can save our home from now on.


We do need to change our life style a lot to prevent the environmental pollution. We are supposed to do many things than we have already done now. But, actually, each of us only need to do a little of things in our everyday –life, there will be a significant difference in whole society. We can stop using the plastic bags if not necessary, to avoid “white pollution” ; we can stop using disposal chopsticks and utensils, just use that ones are not made of wood and endurable. When we leave a room there is nobody, make sure the electricity is switched off, when we leave a washing room, check the tap is tightly turned off, avoiding tip-tap and waste of clear water. In my viewpoint, I think the most severe destruction is the water pollution and deforestation. The deforestation is the main cause of “green house effect”, it makes world warmer and the ice in Antarctic melting, sea level higher. More and more Carbon dioxide, and acid rain comes along, get more trees dead, so the cycle is worse and worse. Water pollution is awful too, the industrial sewage and the living wastewater are directly poured into rivers, lakes and sea, make the marine lives are dead. The ecology is harmed meanwhile, the environment gets vulnerable and weak, wild animals are homeless, and people became sick. Let us do something active thing to protect ourselves and protect our environment, what we only have is this small planet.我们需要改变我们的很多生活方式,防止污染环境。我们应该去做的事情比我们已经完成了还有许多。但是,事实上,我们每个人都只需要做一个小的东西在我们的日常生活之后,而在整个社会将有显著差异。我们可以停止使用塑胶袋,如果没有必要的,以避免“白色污染”;我们可以停止使用处置,只是用筷子和用具时,你的不是木头做的,经久耐用。当我们离开房间时,确定电关机,当我们离开房间,检查水龙头是紧密关闭,避免浪费了清澈的水。我的观点,我认为最严重的破坏是黄河水质污染、森林砍伐。森林破坏的主要原因是“温室效应”,它使世界暖和,河上的冰在南极融化,海平面更高。越来越多的二氧化碳气体,酸雨来临,使更多的树死了,这样的循环是每况愈下。水污染是太可怕了,工业废水和生活污水直接倒入江河、湖泊和海洋,使海洋生命都死了。受到伤害的同时,生态环境脆弱,虚弱,使野生动物是无家可归、人生病。让我们做些事吧,活跃的事情来保护自己,保护我们的环境,我们只有这一个星球。












