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下周要上人教九年级英语Unit 4 What would you do?Reading部分的公开课,请问怎么才能把这堂课上好?

zhao_admin1年前 (2022-02-23)英语课件50


there is some troubles about me ,i don't know how to deal with it .i hope someone can help me . maybe i am a shy girl sometimes i cann't speak out what i want to say , i have a roommate the way she remark a strange is very quick ,i can say i don't like her very much ,so we don't communicate with each other very well even we can say we don't talk with each other except the necessary words .but i don't why she always say something bad about me to others ?when my good friend tell me what she says about me i feel very anger but the only thing what i feel a litter happy is my other roommaters say the remark isn't right you shouldn't conside it .i know many people will say to me you shouldn't conside what she says ,but you know if many people say it it will be true even though it isn't,can you give some advice ?hope to see the good news. you have said that she was not your friend,if so, what are you worried about?? It is her fault,absolutely, just let it be. After all , i believe ,you cant do such dirty things like her,right 如果回答对您有用,请及时采纳。




