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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-02-24)英语课件34

Computers are very versatile,but choosing a computer is not an easy, simple job. However, if youfollow these steps, you will find it easier.First, decide on the main reasons why you want a computer. Is the most important reason to play games or to help with your business?Second, look carefully at the programs the computer can use. If you want to write your own, it is important to look at the computer language. Is it easy to learn?Third, decide the smallest, or the least needs you have for your computer. What are the characteristics you would like to have? Your use of a computer will help you decide which characteristics are necessary, which are nice, and which are unnecessary.Fourth, when you have limited your choices to a few computers, look at the secondary uses and programs. If your main reason for buying a home computer is to play games, you may take computer A instead of computer B because computer A can also be used as word processor.Fifth, think of the two prices. The first is the price you must pay to take the computer home. The second is the price of additional programs and possible additions that you might want to buy at a later date.Be sure to try out the computer before you buy it. Sales people at computer shops are happy to help you choose the computer that will best fit your needs and cost you least.如何选购家用电脑电脑用途广泛,但选购电脑却不是一件简单、容易的事情。不过,只要你遵循下面的步骤,选购电脑就会容易些。首先,确定你购买电脑的主要动机。最主要的原因是为了打游戏,还是协助办公?第二,仔细考虑电脑的应用程序。如果你需要自己编写程序的话,重要的是看一下计算机语言,这种语言好学吗?第三,确定你对电脑最小,最基本的要求。你想要哪些功能?对电脑的使用会帮助你确定哪些功能是基本的,哪些可以帮你锦上添花,哪些功能没有必要。第四,当你的选择缩小在几个电脑之中时,再参考一下它的.次要功能和程序。如果你买家用电脑的主要用途是打游戏,你可能会选择A机器而不是B,因为A可以同时兼作文字处理器。最后,考虑一下两种费用。首先是你将电脑购买回家必须支付的费用。其次是你今后可能需要购买的附加程序和附件的价格。购买电脑之前一定要试用一下。商店的销售人员会很愿意帮你选择既适合你的需要,又价格低廉的电脑。








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