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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-02-27)英语课件51

可能主要是AMD E系列处理器性能不是很高,主要是省电和续航时间长的问题。

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  To win more customers, and 10 yuan the bar been reading is a valid and reasonable marketing.


  Bar the dinner, structure and concept of operation


  Bar or ( dinner ) is a eat, drink, and play, and it is also a pleasure to a platform of communication, if the bar, your business is not very well, it shows that the following is not doing enough!

  玩———首先,玩是一个酒吧的根本,也是酒吧结构组合当中最重要的一项,不论是去酒吧还是去餐吧,这些顾客并不是吃完喝完就要离开走人,他们需要的是一个放松身心、开心享受、娱乐消遣的场所。所以,我们要为他们营造一个良好的消费环境,以达到客户开心消费、共同娱乐消遣的目的。当然,要想达到这个要求,我们需要一些设备,这些东西花费不贵,却能给你的酒吧带来良好的效果。设备如下:台式足球、沙狐球、飞镖、台球、卫星电视(可以播放国际体育赛事,如;橄榄球、足球、台球、棒球、网球等),同时可以在酒吧开展一些有竞技性的游戏比赛,如;台球、飞镖、台式足球等,赢得队伍可以拿到一些精品,可以是一些啤酒、鸡尾酒,当然,主要是重在参与,一起娱乐。这样便可以带动酒吧的活跃气氛,来赢得客户的心。与此同时,还可以附带一些小的桌上游戏,如;积木、骰子、扑克牌、跳棋等。酒吧要定期举行活动,如;女士之夜、现场音乐、欢乐时光等,这样会给酒吧带来更多的顾客。Played — — — first of all, play is a bar of the fundamental, is a combination of the structure of the most important one, whether to go to bars or go to dinner. the customer is not finished after leaving, they need is a relaxing and fun and enjoyment and amusement. therefore, we will they create a healthy consumption environment and to reach customers happy consumption and amusement. the purpose of 。Of course, to achieve this, we need some equipment, these things cost the least expensive, but i can give you a good effect. the following equipment : desktop football, 沙狐球, dart, snooker, satellite tv ( can play the international sports events, such as ; football and snooker, and baseball, football and tennis ), in the bar in some form of the game, such as ; snooker, and dart, and the desktop, win the football team could get some, but This can promote the active in the atmosphere, to win customer's heart. meanwhile, with some small table, such as ; building blocks, used dice and playing cards or checkers, etc. the bar to regularly activities, such as ms. ; night, and live music and happy time, it will give the bar to bring more customers.

  Drink — — — the bar ( dinner ) mainly beer, cocktail or mixed drink to the title, but also a non-alco-holic cocktail, with some fruit juice and soda water, there are conditions, you may take some wine. the bar to their own characteristics, with emphasis on its own unique, in price, product design and. As shooters, shape, the name of the strange and colors, adjust the bar, more, and, in the price is easy to take to go to the bar, it is a hotspot, especially the young, and let the customer to participate in production, is the different.


  吃———酒吧的食品主要以快、方便、简单为主,主要有;三明治、汉堡、匹萨、炸鸡翅、薯条、炸鸡柳、炸芝士、炸牛肉串、炸羊肉串等,以上食品受酒吧喝酒的人及年轻人的喜爱。Food — — — the food mainly come, easy, simple, there are mainly ; sandwich, hamburger, pizza, fried chicken's wing, french fries, potato, fried chicken willow, the fried beef, fried 羊肉串 string. the food was the pub and young.


  Dinner is at the bar on the basis of some fast food, an increase in the face of the business for many more hours to create more profits.

  把你的酒吧打造一个吃、喝、玩、乐的平台,让大家乐在其中,吸引更多的人,这才是一个好的酒吧。做到一切以客户为中心,一切为顾客着想,这样对你才有利润可言!You have a bar to eat, drink, and the platform and some attract more people, this is a good wine. do all the customers, for the best interests of all, you have a profit to speak of!



