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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-03-04)英语课件47

Dear Sirs,Your enquiry of April 30 is receiving our attention, and we thank you for your interest in our products.A copy of our illustrated catalog and price list will be mailed to you today with this letter. Samples are sent to you under separate cover.As the biggest import and export corporation of industial production, we offer the most reasonable price for our products with the superb workmanship. We hope to establish a trade relationship with you.If the number of goods you order is large, we can offer you a 5% discount. The way of payment is irrevocable L/C. We could give you the assurance of the timely freight if the order is placed by the end of this month.We look forward to receiving your reply.Yours faithfully, ZHANG Xiaowei(Manager)好久没有写这种贸易书信了,今天特意查了查书,希望能够帮到你~~

Dear Sirs,Your enquiry of April 30 is receiving our attention, and we thank you for your interest in our products.A copy of our illustrated catalog and price list will be mailed to you today with this letter. Samples are sent to you under separate cover.As the biggest import and export corporation of industial production, we offer the most reasonable price for our products with the superb workmanship. We hope to establish a trade relationship with you.If the number of goods you order is large, we can offer you a 5% discount. The way of payment is irrevocable L/C. We could give you the assurance of the timely freight if the order is placed by the end of this month.We look forward to receiving your reply.Yours faithfully, ZHANG Xiaowei(Manager)




标签: 英语作文




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