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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-03-08)英语课件65

and take her to a different school.

Betty: What a pity ah!

Sally: If she went to a different school, I will not see my best

Ling-Ling: So what can we do?

Sally: If you choose our teachers Kelly, she will play dance
music. If she became a star, her parents will be proud of her,
then she will not be sent away.

Ling-Ling: I see the problem.

Sally: But if I refuse to play, our teachers will not choose me,
she will choose Kelly.

Betty: But is such a shame! You play so well.

Sally: I have another chance someday. And I will keep my best

Dear Diana

Dear Diana:

Last week, my friend David bought a new computer game and
my dad's computer to play it. But my father had warned me not
to use his computer to play games, because the country he
wants to use it to work. I can only do my homework it. He
thinks that if I play games on it, then it will go wrong.

Oh, my dad out, so we decided to try David's game. We copy it

on the computer, when we ended, we removed from the
computer. We are quite sure my father will not notice anything.
But when my father with his computer last night, he was really
angry. Because it is infected with a virus!

But I did not tell him about the computer games business.

Now I feel awful, it will be very expensive to repair. I should tell
him about the computer game thing? I should mention

For the cost?



Dear Steve:

Oh, God! You have made two mistakes. First of all, when your
dad told you not to use his computer when you use it. Second,
you did not tell him about the game thing. Yes, you must
immediately tell him. If you tell him the truth, he'll get angry, but
at least you can prove how much you honest.

Then, I think you should provide costs. But you should not use
your pocket money - after all, your parents gave you the

If you take the initiative to help do some chores or to help him
do some of his work, he will think you are really sorry.

Oh, and David, play football the next bar!

Best wishes


Review module

You want to be a television news reporter? People often ask
me why I like to my work. Oh, it is very exciting. I was the first
news story of the people understand. I travel around the world
and talk to people. I understand that in different places is
happening. I and a number of important and famous people,
talk to people. I interviewed government officials, famous male
and female athletes and movie stars. I asked them to life. I
want to know how they feel.

Many people want to work in TV news programs, so you must
be full of energy, a sense of innovation. You must show you
can do it. You must learn how to use video, how to write
reports, how to talk to the camera. What is the best way to
learn? Your school or university television station is a good
place to start, but you have to get a job!

Most people work without pay from the start, so they can learn.
Learning is the best landlord in a small television. Not many
people there, so you get a better work experience. I once
owned a television station in a small unpaid work. One night,

when everyone was sick, I to broadcast news. I'm doing well,
so I got my first paid work.








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