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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-03-12)英语课件41

East, west—— home ’ s the best.
——A review of The Wizard of Oz
In Kansas, USA, there are no witches or wizards.But there are cyclones. One day, a cyclone blows Dorothy’s house, with Dorothy andher dog Toto in it, to a country called Oz. In Oz, there are four witches and avery famous wizard——the Wizard of Oz.
Dorothy wants to go home to Kansas, but she doesn’tknow how to get there. She needs help. “Go to the Emerald City,” the Witch ofthe North tells her,” and ask the Wizard of Oz to help you.”
Then Dorothy meets the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and theCowardly Lion, but they need help, too. So they all take the yellow brick roadto the emerald City. They find the Wizard of Oz but he can’t help them. He isn’ta wizard. At last, they find the witch of the South. She asked Dorothyto said :”East,west——home’s the best.” Then she flies to home.
The witch of the South is right. East, west——home’s the best. Home is the best place foreveryone. If you havetrouble,you can go home. Your family members will help you. We all need our home. Butthere is still some people don’t take care of their home. They always let theirparents live alone. They always say they are busy, but they should take care oftheir parents. They can help their parents if he is free. Some people leave alone when he become old. Buthis children didn’t want to help him. Many people give their parents money butthey don’t want to live with them. That’s too bad! They need help. So don’t’let your parents alone when you grow up. They help you for many years. You musthelp them when they get old——not only give themenough money!
Take care of your parents. Because East, west——home’s the best.











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