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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-03-14)英语课件56


unit 8p49Class 9 had a greattime on the school trip.They went to blue water Aquarium for the day. Firstthey visied the Visitors'center and watched a movie about sharks.Then theywatched a dolphin show.After that,they went to the Outdoor pool and saw a bigoctopus. After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and bought lots df gifts. finally,turedbut happy,they took the bus back to school.At the end of the day,the scinceteacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip P51Dear Tom, How was your day off?Did you have funcamping?I didn't have a fun day.I visited my cousins.It rained all day.In themorning,I stayed in the house and watched DVDs,played computer games andread.In the afternoon,Uncle Martin put some of his old things out in the yardand had a yard sale!However ,no one came to the sale because the weather was sobad.Luckily ,we bought our umbrellas and raincoats ,so we didn't get wet. See you soon Nick 如果对你有帮助,望采纳








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