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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-03-22)英语课件45

Junior high school to high school, is a turning point for us, whether all aspects of the learning environment, course content, learning methods, or physical and mental development, interpersonal relations have undergone great changes, who can make the changes as soon as possible to adapt to the new environment, who can walk in the front, and lay a good foundation for the high school three years. Now there is a very popular saying: as the first step, the first step; step backward, then step backward. I hope we can make good starting point for the future to have a good end.First, have a goal in life
  No objective person would like the wind in the leaves, there is no purpose, any wind falling. High school is an important transition in the face of student life. Select high school students, after three years to go through the selection of the college entrance exam. How to study hard for three years, can be obtained in the entrance of an excellent performance, it will affect your future employment, development and a lifetime of happiness. Therefore, in high school, define their milestones, do three years of development planning is very necessary and important.The primary goal is to learn, we conducted everything else is in order to learn this goal, do not tail wagging the dog. Let entertainment, friends, cell phones, games, novels obtain a topic of their own high school, lose yourself in life, when I look back until the third year, with no turning back!Early high school everyone is prone to two psychological tendencies:
  First, the self-expectations are too high. In the junior class, we are all aces, so now the high ambition, heart qi is also great, prone to pride, complacency, relaxed learning. In fact, his classmates are aces each city junior high school, are very good, once you had a relaxed, will lag behind. And your competitors as well as other classes, more outstanding students of other schools, so a little open-minded, to look further ahead.Second, some students base is relatively poor, or because relax, not suited to high school life lead to poor results temporarily, they begin to doubt their own ability, confidence weakened and even an inferiority complex. It must be confident, because the high school for whom, are zero-based. When the lack of confidence, the first not more than others, to do themselves and their ratio, their present and past to more than, their own than it is today and yesterday to. As long as there is a little progress it is successful. In particular, the focus of high school, as long as you have a little bit of progress you feel a sense of success, add up, you will slowly feel the progress is very fast. So I think it will have some new, self-confidence there. Whether it is learning or everyday life, it will be much meaningful, it will be much progress.Be sure to do, mindful not abandon not humble, set goals, all for the goal for three years after the success of the entrance, lay a good foundation.Second, there must suffer the spirit
  In junior high school when we feel are very good, there is parental care, are familiar with the teacher's care and support of friends, the environment. But entering high school, find it all gone, we faced with a strange environment, everything seemed suited. A long time did not see their parents, teachers not care as a junior high school teacher, curriculum so fast, no friends, the restaurant's food is far from good home, because wronged thought tears.I think since the choice out of school, there should be spiritual hardship, we have Renku spirit. You can think of those successful in the history of celebrity, which is not built on the basis of the hardships endured to be around to see people do well, they can also ask their parents to see how they It came to be. Not eat bitter man, it is difficult to accomplish great things, and their success are only present in the brain of fantasy.We are all outstanding students entering high school, I hope that we can further enhance the psychological level, not only to be able to endure hardship, but also a spiritual Kuzhongzuole is Confucius advocated learning music spirit. When feeling pain, and parents can make a phone call, you can find a teacher talk about the heart, can be at the same table as soon as possible, as quickly as possible quarters of the students are familiar, self-confident, tolerant attitude, as soon as possible into the collective, to adapt to new students adapt to the new school environment then lay the spirit, happy to learn in new school.Third, improve the ability to resist setback
  High school students good will should have at least two points: First, the quality culture of self-discipline. Any one student to achieve excellent academic, intelligence alone is not enough, also need to have the quality of self-discipline, which is painful and difficult to overcome those things that are essential. High school learning contents, the burden is relatively heavy, high school students but also to strict self-discipline, to develop their own plans, goals to ensure the completion, not procrastination, hesitation. Can ask parents, teachers, students help supervise. Second is to develop the endurance of setbacks. Able to withstand setbacks, having failed stoic attitude and from failures awarded by the sky. In high school, academic, life will be faced with many difficulties and setbacks, the students to correctly deal with, and looking for reasons to try to overcome it. Students can take the initiative to take part in more social practice, consciously fight against difficulties, develop their own endurance of setbacks, temper their own strong will.Fourth, how to make friends - friends have chosen
   And the sentence given to you:
  Go all out to harbor hopes of ordinary life to create extraordinary brilliance








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