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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-06)英语课件46

1. How to keep healthy:
It’s important for us to keep healthy .Then what should we do? I think we should have good habits. We should take exercise every day, such as swimming , running and playing basketball. We also should have different kinds of food. We should have fruit , vegetables , eggs ,milk meat and so on. Of course we should get enough sleep at night. If we do so, I think we will be healthier and stronger.
1.My diet:
I’m a girl of 14.I’m tall and thin .I usually eat a lot of rice ,some meat ,some meat ,some fish or chicken and plenty of vegetables every day .I am used to drink some milk every morning ,It’s my favourite drink .Of course I like fresh fruit very much .I think my diet is healthy.
2.Shopping in the supermarket:
I’m doing some shopping in the supermarket with my parents. We are going to buy something for my birthday party. Now we are at the fruit section .We want to buy a big watermelon and some apples. They look nice and fresh. We also want to buy some soft drinks and some snacks .Of course, we are going to buy a big birthday cake and some candles .I’m sure my birthday party will be a wonderful one.
3.My favourite fruit:
There are many kinds of fruits, such as apples ,peaches ,bananas ,strawberries ,oranges and watermelons .Of them all I like apple best. It tastes a little sour and a little sweet .It is good for my health. So I have an apple every day.
4.The Rules of the School
Rules are around us. We have some rules for the school. We must go to school on time. We should put up our hands when we want to ask some questions in class .We must keep quiet in the library, I think we must follow all these rules.
5.Go to the park:
Today is Sunday. It is a fine day .My friends Sam, Sally and I are going to City Park .We want to fly kites and have a picnic there, We take some bread , fruit and drinks. We are going to have a good time there.
6.A Barbecue:
It was a fine day last Sunday. I went to the City Park with Kitty and Ben. We had a barbecue there. We cooked some chicken wings , some meat and some corns on the fires .They all smelled and tasted nice. We enjoyed the food and had a good time.
My favorite subject is maths. I like to play badminton. I would like to be a policewoman because I want to make our city a safe place. My classmate Alice is my good friend. We always walk to school together and always play together.
8.An invitation:
Dear Mum and Dad,
Please come to the Open Day at my school on May 24.We will show you around our beautiful school first. Then you will visit our English Club. After that ,you’ll listen to the school choir in the hall. Finally ,you’ll meet the teachers in the library. You’ll have cakes and tea there.
It will start at 2:00 p.m. Please come on time.
9.I want to be:
I’m Tony. I’m fifteen years old. I want to be a policeman when I grow up. My uncle is a policeman. He often tells me some stories about policemen. I think it is an exciting job. Of course it is a dangerous job. But I’d like to make our city a safe place.
10.My family:
I have a happy family. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother ,my sister ,Alice and I .We live in Rose Garden Estate. My father is a driver and my mother is a doctor. Alice and I go to the same school, but we are not in the same class. We have a lovely puppy. His name is Peter.






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