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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-19)英语课件36

请用150个左右的单词把《画蛇添足》的寓言故事写出来,以便刊登在某英文刊物上“成语介绍”专栏上。故事大意: 从前,有三个人得到一壶酒。他们决定在地上画蛇,先画好的人就喝这壶酒。有一个先画好了,拿酒准备喝,见另两人还未画完,就说:“我还能给蛇添上脚呢!”但脚未画完,另一人已把蛇画好了,说:“蛇本来没有脚,你怎能给它添脚呢?酒该我喝了!”。 范文: One day three men got a bottle of wine. But the wine was not enough for them three and each of them wanted to drink the wine alone. Then they all agreed that they each would draw a snake on the ground and the one who first finished drawing would be given the wine. So they began to draw on the ground with sticks. It was not long before one of the three finished drawing his snake. He found the other two were still busy with their drawings. “How slow you are ! ”said he, “I can even add feet to my snake before you finish yours. ” He put down the bottle and began to add feet to his snake. But before he finished, another man took hold of the bottle and said, “I’ve finished. Snakes have no feet, so yours is not a snake. ”With these words he drank up the wine.



