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初中英语作文 一节难忘的课 作文中要有:发生时间,你的感受,你从中学到了什么从网上复制来的不要

zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-20)英语课件60

We have lessons every day. To be honest, few lessons struck me deeply until two foreign exchange students came to our English class to talk with us the other day. It was really an unforgettable lesson  We have lessons every day. To be honest, few lessons struck me deeply until two foreign exchange students came to our English class to talk with us the other day. It was really an unforgettable lesson.  The two students, who were from Germany, came to our class to give us a presentation. At first we were all very nervous. However, our nervousness disappeared soon after we started talking with each other.  To my great surprise, the German students couldn't speak English as well as expected. Their pronunciation sounded strange to us. They couldn't even understand a common word. But this didn't prevent them from communicating with us at all. They tried to say what they could with the help of body language and facial expressions.  From this unforgettable lesson I have learned that we should take every chance possible to practice speaking English instead of just sitting and keeping silent in English class.

My most memeroble lesson of my education of years to now, would be the one when I was in third grade. It all started on the first day of school, when I was so happy, until the arrival of the lesson I hated, history. In came a man, tall with mostache. His expression was unique, a smirk on the face. As the lesson started, he was funny, until at a point where he got serious. He started explaining to us the importance of history. Using his humor, I slowly got my attention grabbed by him. As the bell rang, I realized that history was such important, since we would not make the same mistakes as the people in olden days, and from that we could learn to explore more ourselves. It was just a lesson of about an hour, but from that day I started to love history, it became a part of me...








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