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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-20)英语课件42

首先 我确信我的回答会帮助你 我08江苏高考英语110分(满分120)去年12月第一次考英语四级587分第一,高考英语作文字一定要写好,这是关键,如果你写不好,起码字迹要工整端正整洁,这一点是至关重要的。通过电脑扫描之后屏幕上的字迹可能并不如试卷上的清晰、 美观 、漂亮,尤其是那些字体小而又多连写的作文在屏幕上看起来就像是一条一条起了毛的线条,很难辨认。还有一些在排版上上紧下松或上松下紧的作文,要么前几行写得无边距,行距又很小而下边空出一大截;要么上几行松松散散而后几行显得很拥挤,看起来很不美观。以上两者(字体小,排版过紧密)都需要阅卷者扩大和移动屏幕方可看清,这样最容易使得阅卷者头晕、心烦。可想而知,这样的文章无法给阅卷者留下良好的印象。 所以,网上阅卷要求学生在书写时使用较粗的签字笔、斜体字、少连写。字母a、b、c、d、e、g、o、p、q的圆或半圆部分尽量写得饱满一些,否则扫描之后这些字母就成了一个个黑点。在排版上要充分利用答题卡的规定范围,控制好行距,留有一定的边距,保证字体大小适中、排版整齐划一,给人一种舒适、美观的感觉。 老师改一篇作文也就是15―30秒,你的字迹好了,给老师的印象就好了,分数也会高,一定做到。第二,现在高考一般是半开放的英语作文,给予考生一定的材料(包括图、文或图文结合)进行作文,这样既限制了考生随心所欲的思维,又要求考生给予适当发挥,这就要求考生认真读题,看清图表及中英文提示与说明。做到不跑题,不偏题。你平时要认真的积累一些高频词组,单词,以备不时只需。第三,做到五审(老师强调N遍的)一审体裁。根据作文材料要求确定文章体裁。然后建立相应体裁的行文模式。我们常用的体裁有书信、日记、通知、发言稿、说明文、记叙文、议论文等。 二审人称。文章中人称选择恰当对表达文章的基本思想、描述事物及情节都很有帮助。应特别注意英文中人称的阴阳是很容易被忽视的。三审时态。高考评分中,谓语动词形式是被看重的,一篇文章如果多处出现谓语动词错误,就要降等给分。所以我们在审题时要给文章的时态定个位,即过去时、现在时、或将来时。再以这个定为时态基础,按需要使用相应时态。 四审要点。高考评卷中,作文的大块得分集中在文章的要点和要点发挥上,一般来说,英语高考作文有4――6个要点,考生在读题时要边读边列出要点并写出要点中的关键词,这样既能保证要点齐全又能节省时间。 五审层次。层次分明,脉络清晰,让读者一目了然。记叙文大多数以人物活动、时间顺序或事情发展过程为线索,说明文大多以时间空间为线索,议论文的写作一般按先总后分或先分后总的顺序。第四,活用一些连词,谚语。比如for example . On one hand...,on the other hand. Where there is a will, there is a way. No pains , no gains . Knowledge is power,last but not least,first of all,further more,as far as i am concerned.等等。第五,条理清晰,分条陈述。另外段落与段落之间一定要明确。只有这样,你的作文才会赏心悦目,让人轻松的看到最后。作文的开头结尾一定要出彩,尽量写出一些精彩或者有难度的句子,比如同位语从句,定语从句,形式宾语等。 最后,希望我的回答对你会有帮助,都是我一个字一个字打出来的。我只希望我这个经历过高考并且英语水平尚可的人可以帮助你们,因为一年前的我和你一样的困惑,加油吧!!你会成功的!!

高考英语记叙文复习材料(新民晚报-东方大力神)( 17:41:21)标签:高考 教育 Sample I Many people will give up a seat to the old on the bus. She did it but she did it in a great way. It was on a hot Sunday morning. Lily was sitting on a bus. A girl was sitting in front of her. She wore a red T-shirt and white trousers. At one stop, an old man got on and walked straightway to them. “ I will give my seat to him if he stands besides me,” Lily thought to herself. But he stood by the side of that girl in red, and she stood up and helped the old man to her seat. The old man thanked her. She smiled and said, “ My pleasure.” Then nobody ever noticed them any more. The bus went on smoothly. Suddenly, the driver made a sharp turn to avoid a cyclist and the girl in red fell down. To Lily’s great surprise, when she tried to help her up, she saw a wooden stick which should have been her left leg. She was handicapped and needed a seat herself badly. But she gave her seat to the old man. She quickly covered her wooden leg and stood up. “ Your leg! ” Lily murmured. “ Oh, it’s OK. It’s been a part of my body. ” She smiled as if nothing had happened. “ Please take my seat. I’m going to be off at this stop. ” Lily said and reached out to let her sit down. Lily got off and waited for the next bus at that stop. That was of course not her stop. But the waiting is nothing, compared with what that girl did.时间 A Sunday morning 人物 Lily, the girl in red, an old man 地点 On the bus 情节( 高潮 ) The girl in red slipped and fellSample II I came back to school after the winter vacation. As soon as I settled down, I made a phone call to my mother. While talking, we couldn’t keep back our tears, “ after all, ” I said “ We are mother and daughter.” During the vacation, mother and I had a bad quarrel. After that we were unwilling to talk with each other. She thought I was no longer her obedient daughter and I believed that she did not understand and respect me. Soon it was time for me to leave. When I was about to set out, mother took out a package of food, gave it to me and said, “ I cooked it this moring. Take it with you and eat on the bus. ” I could not say a single word. My eyes were full of tears. “ After all we are mother and daughter.” Mother said in a voice choked with sob. On the bus I could not eat anything. I was so regretful. How I wish I had said sorry to mother before I left. How I wish the time could return so that I could say, “ Sorry, Mother. Would you forgive your willful daughter? ”写记叙文或记叙段落要注意四个方面: 一 要提供一定的情景和背景;二 要提供生动的细节; 三用时间顺序(或倒叙法)叙述事情如何一步一步地发展 四 适当发表自己的感想和感受学生练笔 It was raining heavily as the man was walking up the hill towards the station at 6’clock on a Saturday morning. At that early hour there wasn’t much traffic and there weren’t many people in sight. Just as the man was crossing the road near the top of the hill, a car came round the corner. It was travelling very fast and the driver was obviously having difficulty controlling it. Suddenly it swerved (突然转向) violently, skidded (打滑) on the wet road, hit a lamppost and turned over. The driver was unconsicous and there was a lot of blood on his face. A young woman hurried into the station and phoned for an ambulance. A number of people gathered round the car, but there wasn’t a great deal they could do. A policeman arrived a few minutes later and asked a lot of questions about the accident. Shortly afterwards the man came round, and he was groaning quietly when the ambulance arrived at hign speed and rushed him away to the hospital.Sports HeroNemov probably needs no introduction; He is one of the most successful Russian gymnasts, greatly popular among people all over the world. But in fact, it was not until the 28th Olympic Games that I considered him as my sports hero.Nemov entered for the high bar in the 28th Olympics, when he showed up, I only knew that he was the former sliver medalist at this event. Then he began his performance. He was almost flying in the sky just like a butterfly; I was totally amazed by his excellent technique skills and the high-risk action. The fascinating performance made all the audience hard to breathe but also continuous applauding. Everyone thought he would win the event. But to our surprise, his scores made it impossible to win any medal. Then all the audience thought it unfair and began to shout crazily, the atmosphere was boiling, all was in a mass.The situation lasted for about 15 minutes, which made the next competitor unable to act. Although the judges required the crowd to keep quiet, it didn’t work. Then something terrific happened, Nemov walked to the podium and asked for silence, he also thanked the audience for their concern. At the same time the stadium became peaceful, and the competition continued.Although he didn’t won the gold medal at last, in my eyes, he was the real winner. He certainly won the praise and respect of everybody over his wonderful performance and sportsmanship. And the extraordinary moment was the real highlight throughout the match.My grandmother Every time I think of her smile, look at her photo, or even wake up from nightmare at mid-night. I just tell myself that she has gone, and she won't return, forever. She is my grandma, who passed away last week. She was an ordinary woman in an ordinary country with ordinary look. But she was married to a special man-my grandfather, who was regarded as the richest man in the town of his age. After give birth to her fourth son, my father, her health begin to fail. Finally she caught a terrible disease at the age of 60.that's diabetes, which is nearly equal to death. Word came as a shock to us. Never had we thought of that the death is so near to us. But my grandma didn't cry, on the contrary, she always smiles to me each time I saw her. Four years ago, she almost became blind because of the disease, which totally ruined her life. She used to be an excellent housewife, but now she had to sit in the chair idle doing nothing except hearing the voices came from the outside. She used to be a perfect cook, but now we could never taste her food any more. I still remember her words I have lived a plain and poor life for half of my life. Now, I'm satisfied. To my relief,all of my sons have their own successful career. I have nothing to regret. Last time I saw my grandma was a month ago. It was a sunny afternoon in winter. My grandma and I was sitting in the garden when she hold my hand and said Keep working hard.......my boy,I'm waiting for the news of your success! However, she cannot hear my voice anymore. During the funeral, I just can't hold my tears back .I know, I'll never forget her words. Once had I heard a song called let her go ,which was composed by one of my favorite singers named Craig David. He wrote the song also in memory of his grandma's death. So, I also want to say as what he sings let her go, to a new world and a new life; let her go, I won't cry II. Grammar and Vocabulary11. Students should __________ themselves a number of realistic targets. A. get B. aim C. set D. take12. The newest satellite can ________ a thoudand telephone conversations and color TV programs at the same time. A. extend B. carry C. bring D. take13. They were told that Professor Brown was going to __________ a speech in the hall that evening. A. deliver B. publish C. offer D. send14. Over the years the Chinese government has managed to bring down the birth _________. A. rate B. speed C. percentage D. population15. The sail was __________ 攻克图表作文难关 如何根据图画的内容,运用正确的语言和规定的篇幅来写好这类文章呢? 例1:下面四幅图画从四个方面反映了北京公共场所存在的不良现象。请你简单描述四幅图画,对其中某一现象陈述你的看法,并简单说明理由。词数不少于60。--《2005年北京海淀区高三年级第三次模拟考试》 例2:你校学生会组织两组同学分头到附近的两个村庄搞社会调查,了解农民致富的情况。调查结果如下表格…… 请根据以上提示写一篇100字左右的短文 。--《2005年普通高考学校全国二次模拟联考》 专家支招:1.仔细审题,看懂图表的意思,整理要点,决定语言形式; 2.开头直截了当,尽快入题,不要拐弯抹角,拖泥带水; 3.行文一般以10个句子为宜。若用少于8句话来表达,句子容易表达不清;若用多于10句话来描述,则句子零乱与琐碎,文章缺乏整体感; 4.用最有把握的词语句型将规定内容加以表达,并根据图表大意议论; 5.应按照合理顺序,适当使用一些过渡性的连接词,将句子连珠成串; 6.结尾要干净利落,既不能拉杂,也不能草率,要显得自然,恰当得体。 提示议论文写作技巧 文章开头,能依据提示确立主题句(topic)阐明观点或看法;使用连接词分层次说明理由、缘由(supporting sentences);归纳总结,首尾呼应。做到论点正确无误;论据可靠充分。论据可以是人们公认的真理,也可以是经过实践考证的经典著作;论证合理严密。常用论证法有归纳法、推理法、对比法。 记叙文写作技巧 一般说来记叙文有时间、地点、人物、事件、原因和结果六要素,写作时要明白清楚地给予表达。记人时,要注意介绍人物的身世、经历和事迹等。叙事时要描写事情发生与发展的过程。 应用文写作技巧 主要以写信为主。英文书信由6个部分组成。它们是信头、信内地址、称呼、正文、结束语、签字。格式一定要正确。信的正文和写文章一样,要分段写,每一段有一个中心思想。 书面表达题是全国和各省市历届高考英语试卷中测试的主要项目之一。那么它的测试目标、内容、设题及其它相关特点是什么呢?高考英语测试的主目标是考生运用英语进行交际的能力;测试采用主、客观题相结合的形式。运用英语进行交际的能力包括汲取信息、处理信息和输出信息三方面的能力。书面表达题主要测试考生根据试题给出的信息进行处理,然后用英语传达给读者的能力和水平。高考英语大纲(2007年)对书面表达题语言测试的要求是:1. 准确使用语法和词汇;2. 使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。根据上述要求,高考英语试卷中该项测试对我们考生作答的评价标准是:是否遗漏题目规定的内容要点;表达的意思和形式是否准确、清楚、连贯。近年来,评价该题答案水平时提倡用高级的词汇,较复杂的语法形式。基于以上要求和情况,所以全国和各省市高考英语试卷中书面表达在题材方面选用的是我们考生熟悉的内容;在体裁方面也趋于多样化。近年来,有部分命题中有夹叙夹议的表达要求,但仍以记叙为主。记叙文类书面表达的命题特点1.一般采用漫画插图或者给出材料的形式,让学生描述或者记叙事情、人物。2.部分试题要求学生能够简短地发表自己的看法,给予简短的评论。3.属于主观题,该题解答时带有很大的自由度,可以充分发挥自己的想象,畅谈自己的看法。记叙文类书面表达的写作策略大多数高考英语试卷中书面表达题所采用体裁是夹叙夹议、以叙为主的文体形式,可以有以下几种方法来展开叙述。1.按照事件的时间顺序展开描述。2.按照空间顺序展开。3.也可以用倒叙、反问的手法吸引读者的注意力。4.发表看法时要有针对性,切实表达所记叙事件的主题或反映出来的问题。循序渐进提高写作能力1. 练习用英语句子表达简单思想的能力。2.练习用成段英语表达较复杂思想的能力。3.练习用成篇英语表达较完整思想的能力。建议不要在练习书面表达的开始阶段,在我们还不能正确运用英语句子表达思想的时候,就急于练习用成段成篇英语表达完整的思想。组织高考英语阅卷后的分析显示:该题答案绝大部分的错误都集中在句子层面上。这一现象说明了平时训练中的这一问题。应该先练习用英语口头表达思想的能力,后训练用英语书面表达思想的能力。之所以这样做,是因为两者目标和效果在实质上基本相同,但前者在形式上相对简单,耗时少,有利于保证训练量;后者在形式上相对严谨,耗时多,但有利于在一定基础上的提高。




