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九年级英语作文 家长进课堂

zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-20)英语课件40

  《家长进课堂》  Parents into the classroom  有一次,学校组织了一个家长进课堂的活动,就是让班级中一位同学的家长来给我们上课。我们班邀请的家长就是班长的姨丈,他教我们做泥塑。  One time, the school organized a parent into the classroom activities, is to let the parents of a classmate in the class to give us lessons. We invited parents to monitor the class's uncle, he taught us in clay.  快上课的时候,班长的姨丈走进课堂,他身披一头中长发,一看就是做美术的人。  When the class monitor, the uncle came into the classroom, he wore a head of long hair, a look that is people do art.  开始上课了,王老师对大家说:“班长的姨丈姓肖,大家可以叫他肖老师。” 王老师说完,肖老师就开始放映泥塑幻灯片,肖老师放完幻灯片又在现场做了一个孙悟空,那孙悟空真是栩栩如生,它左手拿着一个金箍棒,右手放在头上四处张望,好像在说:哪里有妖怪?快快现身!孙悟空做完后,肖老师说:“大家想不想自己动手做泥塑?”  The beginning of the school, teacher Wang said to everyone: monitor the uncle surnamed Xiao, you can call him Xiao teacher. Teacher Wang said, Shaw teacher began to slide show, clay sculpture, Shaw teacher after the slides and in the field do a Sun Wukong, the monkey king is really lifelike, it is his left hand holding a golden cudgel, right hand look around the head, as if to say: where there are monsters? Coming soon! Sun Wukong finished, Shaw teacher said: we want to do it yourself clay?  这时大家早已激动不已,大声说:“想!”肖老师便让我们自己动手做起来。 我对身边的人说:“我要做个汉堡!”我开始做了,我先拿了一块黄色的橡皮泥,搓成圆形,我又拿了一块绿色的橡皮泥按扁,我再拿出一个红色的橡皮泥按扁,用尺子切成许多小扁片,再一层一层地盖上。我的汉堡做好了。我问身边的同学,他们都说这个汉堡可爱。我又有的信心决定再做几个别的东西。  At this time we had already excited, loudly said: think! Shaw teacher let us do it ourselves. I said to the people around me, I'm going to be a hamburger! I began to do, I take the a piece of yellow rubber mud, twisted into a round, I take the a piece of green plasticine according to the flat, I'll come up with a red rubber mud press flat, with a ruler into many small flat, again layer by layer to cover. My hamburger is ready. I asked the students around, they said that the Hamburg cute. I have the confidence to decide to do something else.  我又做了一个可乐和一包薯条,都让我很骄傲。  I made a coke and a packet of fries. It made me very proud.  现在家长进课堂的活动已经结束了,肖老师把孙悟空留在了教室里,孙悟空也留在了全班同学的心里。  Now parents into the classroom activities have ended, Shaw teacher Sun Wukong left in the classroom, Sun Wukong also stay in the heart of the class.




