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高中英语作文 是否将音乐定位必修课

zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-21)英语课件48

Must we have music classThings you can learn from the music business (as it falls apart)The first rule is so important, it’s rule 0:0. The new thing is never as good as the old thing, at least right now.Soon, the new thing will be better than the old thing will be. But if you wait until then, it’s going to be too late. Feel free to wax nostalgic about the old thing, but don’t fool yourself into believing it’s going to be here forever. It won’t.1. Past performance is no guarantee of future successEvery single industry changes and, eventually, fades. Just because you made money doing something a certain way yesterday, there’s no reason to believe you’ll succeed at it tomorrow.The music business had a spectacular run alongside the baby boomers. Starting with the Beatles and Dylan, they just kept minting money. The co-incidence of expanding purchasing power of teens along with the birth of rock, the invention of the transistor and changing social mores meant a long, long growth curve.As a result, the music business built huge systems. They created top-heavy organizations, dedicated superstores, a loss-leader touring industry, extraordinarily high profit margins, MTV and more. It was a well-greased system, but the key question: why did it deserve to last forever? It didn’t. Yours doesn’t either.2. Copy protection in a digital age is a pipe dreamIf the product you make becomes digital, expect that the product you make will be copied. There’s a paradox in the music business that is mirrored in many industries: you want ubiquity, not obscurity, yet digital distribution devalues your core product.Remember, the music business is the one that got in trouble for bribing disk jockeys to play their music on the radio. They are the ones that spent millions to make (free) videos for MTV. And yet once the transmission became digital, they understood that there’s not a lot of reason to buy a digital version (via a cumbersome expensive process) when the digital version is free (and easier).Most items of value derive that value from scarcity. Digital changes that, and you can derive value from ubiquity now.The solution isn’t to somehow try to become obscure, to get your song off the (digital) radio. The solution is to change your business.








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