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来位大神帮忙写一篇英语作文 peer pressure in college 这是题目

zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-21)英语课件93

As everyone knows,stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it.As the pace of modern life continues to increase,we are always feeling on the go from morning till night.And it is hard to slow down.It seems to us that everyone around us is aggressive.Therefore,whatever one does,he feels under stress all the time.It is clear that stress has much to do with the life in a competitive society.


Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived with her parents in a cottage on the edge of the forest. Her father was a woodcutter. He worked all day long in the forest, chopping down trees with his huge axe.

  Right in the middle of the forest was another cottage. It belonged to the little girl's grandmother.

  The kind old lady loved her granddaughter very much, and one day decided to make her a present. It was a red cloak with a red hood to match.

  The cloak looked so nice that the little girl wore it all the time. And that is why everybody called her Red Riding Hood.

  One day Grandmother fell ill, so Red Riding Hood's mother baked her a cake and made her some fresh butter, just to make her feel better.

  Red Riding Hood, called her mother. Take this cake and butter to Grandmother's cottage, a visit from you will cheer her up!

  So Red Riding Hood picked up the basket, waved goodbye to her mother and went off down the path.

  She hadn't gone very far when she met a wolf. He trotted up, pretending to be friendly. Good morning, Red Riding Hood. What have you got in your basket today?

  I have some fresh butter and a cake, replied the little girl. They are for my grandmother, who lives in the middle of the forest. She is ill and needs cheering up.

  The wolf licked his lips. How I would love to gobble up this little girl. But is I am clever, I can eat her grandmother as well, he sniggered.

  Red Riding Hood, said the wolf slyly. We will both go to visit your grandmother and cheer her up. I'll race you there!




标签: 英语文章
