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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-21)英语课件32

Because our parents are busy with their work and when they get home, they feel tired. If we help them do some housework, they will feel relax and feel proud of us. Besides, doing housework can help us grow up and make us relax and stronger. It is our duty to do the housework and it can make us look


又一个星期天,妈妈在家干活,我作业答完后,随便玩了不一会儿,很快便玩腻了,这时,我看见妈妈在干活,顿时,我想出了主意,帮妈妈干些家务活。 And one Sunday, my mother at home all day, after I finish homework answer, literally play in a short time, soon tired of playing, at this moment, I saw my mother in the work, suddenly, I came up with the idea, to help my mother do some housework. 我干点什么呢?洗衣服?妈妈已经在洗。洗菜,妈妈昨天已经洗完了。收拾家,对了,我要帮妈妈收拾家。家里只剩下一个屋没有收拾,嘿!这会看我露一手。 What do I do? Wash the clothes? Mother has been in the wash. Wash the dishes, mother had finished washing yesterday. Tidy up home, by the way, I want to help my mother clean up home. Only a house is not clean up in the home, hey! This will see my shine. 我先把东西摆放好,昨天我的弟弟来了,他把玩具随便扔,走的时候也不放回原位,所以我就得一个一个地捡起来,然后再放回去,玩具放好后。我要摆放沙发,沙发乱 七八糟,墙角一个,床头一个,我费了九牛二虎之力才把沙发摆放完。东西摆放完后,我要铺床,铺床可真难哪!拽起这个角,那个角歪了,扯起那个角,这个角又歪了,我想了想妈妈以前是怎么铺的,对了,两个角一起拽,那不就行了嘛。我试了试,果然铺好了。我再干什么呢,对了,地板上有许多灰尘,我就拿吸尘器给它吸干净,较大的东西我就用手捡,真麻烦。干完后,我累得腰酸背疼,都快站不起来了。 I'll put things well, yesterday my brother came, he put the toys lying around, walk also not put back in place, so I have to pick up one by one, and then put it back again, after toys away. I'm going to put a sofa, seven or eight worse, a corner, the head of a bed a, I finished the dickens put sofa. After the things put, I want to make the bed, the bed is really difficult! Pulled up the Angle, the Angle of tilt, pull up the Angle, the Angle and slanting, I wanted to think mother is how to shop before, by the way, two Angle together, that's not to go. The set up I give it a try, indeed as expected. I do again, by the way, there are a lot of dust on the floor, I take the vacuum cleaner to clean, bigger things I'll pick up with the hand, really trouble. After finished, I'm too tired to waist sour backache, stand up quickly. 通过今天的家务劳动,我知道父母每天都很劳累,他们每天为我做饭、洗衣服,我呢,饭来张口,衣来伸手,整天过着无忧无虑的日子。为了减轻父母的劳累,我今后要多帮助做家务。 Through the housework today, I know that parents very tired every day, every day they cook, wash clothes for me, for me, no worries, YiLaiShenShou, all day live a carefree days. To lessen the drudgery of parents, in the future I want more help with the housework.






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