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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-22)英语课件52

作文开头段模板老师叮咛:李辉老师说,想要提高作文分数,作文开头是关键!下面的开头模板都是经常能用到,可以吸引阅卷老师的万能模板,值得同学们优先记忆!经过了全网首席高考英语名师李辉老师团队高度认真的整理校对,无错、可信!可供全网各省高中生打印、背诵! (1)书信作文【万能套路】问候+自我介绍+写信背景+写信 【万能套话】一﹑问候1. How are you doing? 你好吗?2. How’s everything going? 一切都好吗?3. How time flies! 时间过得多快!4. Long time no see! 好久不见!5. Greetings! 问候!6. Hi, there! 嗨,这里! 二.自我介绍I am Lihua, a 17-year-old boy/ girl teenager currently studying in XXX school, who is crazy about XXX/ who is interested in XXX/ who is fond of XXX. 我是李华,一个17岁的男孩/女孩/少年正在XXX学校学习,我喜欢XXX。 三﹑写信背景Recently, I learned that... 最近,我听说...Recently, I read in your letter that... 最近,我在你的来信中读到...Recently, I had in your restaurant. 最近,我在你们餐厅吃了个饭。Recently, I bought a computer on your website. 最近,我在你们网站买了个电脑。 四﹑写信目的So, I am writing to do sth. 所以,我写信去做什么。 l 申请信:to apply for the job/ position/ opportunity. 申请这份工作/职位/ 机会。l 建议信:to give you some sincere suggestions. 给你一些真诚的建 议。l 感谢信:to express my heartfelt gratitude to you. 向你表示衷心的感 谢。l 道歉信:to express my heartfelt apology to you. 向你表示衷心的道 歉。l 告知信:to inform you some relevant details. 通知你一些相关的 细节。l 邀请信:to invite you to come as our guest/ judge. 邀请你作为我们的 客人/法官来。l 求助信:to turn to you for help. 向你寻求帮助。l 咨询信:to ask you some relevant questions. 问你一些相关的问 题。l 祝贺信:to express my heartfelt congratulations to you. 向你表示衷心的祝 贺。l 投诉信:to express my disappointment and give you some sincere suggestions. 表达我的失望并给 你一些真诚的建议。 (2)观点对比型议论文解释:针对一个话题,分析相反的两种观点,并给出自己的观点。 【套路】话题+第一种观点 When it comes to whether XXXX should do XXXX, people’s opinions differ. Some people argue that (一句话写出第一个观点), in that(理由1—). Besides,(理由2). What’s more,(理由3). 当提到是否某人是否应该做某事儿的时候,人们的观点不同了。有些人发表观点说(一句话写出第一个观点),因为(理由1)。此外,(理由2)。还有呢,(理由3)。 (3)现象解释型议论文解释:描述一个社会现象,分析原因/后果,并展望未来。 【套路】描述现象 The last several years has witnessed great changes in XXXX(the society/ our daily life). An increasing number of people are starting to do sth.1. For example, some people would do sth.2. Others would do sth.3. Still others would do sth.4. 最近的几年已经见证了巨大的变化/在社会上/在我们生活中。越来越多的人们正在开始做sth.1。比如说,有人会做sth.2。其他人会做sth.3。还有其他人会做sth.4。 (4)问题解决型议论文解释:描述一个社会问题,解释其原因/后果,并给出建议措施。 【套路】描述现象 The last several years has witnessed great changes in XXXX(the society/ our daily life). An increasing number of people are starting to do sth.1. For example, some people would do sth.2 . Others would do sth.3. Still others would do sth.4. 最近的几年已经见证了巨大的变化在社会上/在我们生活中,越来越多的人们正在开始做sth.1。比如说,有人会做sth.2。其他人会做sth.3。还有其他人会做sth.4。 (5)图画分析型议论文解释:描述图画内容,分析其中的道理,落实自身的行动。 【套路】描述图画 In the picture, we can see sb.1 doing sth.1, doing sth.2, doing sth.3, feeling..., with sth. in his hand/ on his head. What surprises me most is that(用一句话写出本图矛盾点). What a thought-provoking picture it is! 在这图画上,我们可以看到sb.1,做着sth.1,做着sth.2,做着sth.3,感觉...,伴随着XXX在他手里/在他脑袋上。最令我惊讶的是(用一句话写出本图矛盾点)。这是多么发人深省的一副图画呀! (6)名言分析型议论文解释:给出一句哲理名言(正面鼓舞or反面鞭策),让你用例子做分析。 【套路】转述名言+举例分析 I firmly support the idea that(复述名言), which subtly points out that(转述名言). A case in point is that(一句话写出例子).(若干句话续写句子). As we can see, it is (名言中心词) that enables/ prevents例子中的人物to make it/ from achieving his goal. 我坚固地支持这个观点说(复述名言),它精妙地指出说(转述名言)。一个例子就是(一句话写出例子)。(若干句话续写例子)。正如我们能够看出来的,正是(名言中心词)使得例子中的人物实现了他的目标/阻止了例子中的人物实现他的目标。 (7)万能开头句子1. As far as... is concerned 就...而言2. It goes without saying that... 不言而喻3. It can be said with certainty that... 可以肯定地说...4. As the proverb says, 正如谚语说的,5. It has to be noticed that... 必须注意到...6. It’s generally recognized that... 普遍认为...7. It’s likely that... 可能是...8. It’s hardly that... ... 是很难的9. It’s hardly too much to say that... 几乎没有太多话说...10. What calls for special attention is that... 需要特别注意的是...11. There’s no denying the fact that... 毫无疑问...12. Nothing is more important than the fact that... 没有什么比...更重要13. What’s far more important is that... 更重要的是...




