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急求 八年级下学期英语作文 My future life

zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-23)英语课件39

八下英语作文范文1. The life in the futureIn the future ,there will be computers in each home.They will help us know more about the world ,We will be able to talk online.Kids won`t go to school and study at home on computers .Scientists will make lots of robots.They can help us do some homework .For example,cooking ,cleaning.And I think there will be more cars and pollution.So we should grow more trees and find other useful solutions to protect our environment.In a word ,the life in the world will be wonderful.2.问题 Dear Mary ,I have a problem these days ,and I need your help.I’m not getting on well with some of my classmates.I don`t know why.Last Sunday ,one of my classmates had a birhtday party at home .He invited all the classmates except me .I feel worried and I don`t know what to do .Could you tell me what I should do? Bob 3.建议 Dear Bob,I have known your problems.There are a lot of things you could do .Here are some advice for you.From your letter,I know you have different ideas about your classmates. I think you should have a talk with him,because you can understand each other better. Or maybe you could write a letter to him,give him a birhtday gift.He will feel very surprised.I believe you can find a better way. Good luck! 4.成绩单,介绍学习情况:Dear Mum,I finished my end-of year exams last week and got my report card today.I always feel nervous when I got my report card ,but luckily I did Ok this time.My Chinse teacher said I was the best in class,because I had a really hard time with it .But my worst report was from my math teacher.He said I was lazy.And my八science teacher said I could do better. That`s all for my report card .Best wishes. Tom5.晚会规定:There will be an English party from 5pm to 9 pm on Friday.you can come to the party with your friends.Here are some rules you muat remember.Don`t bring food and drinks to the party.Don`t leave during the party.You mustn`t wear jeans.If you wear jeans ,we won`t let you in.And please bring your ID card.6.爱好I like to collect many things,such as nice stones,names of movies,books,toys,photos of famous people.But I like collecting stamps best.I have been collecting stamps for five years.When I was very young,my uncle sent me a stamp from Australia.I loved it at once.Since then I tried to collect stamps and fell in love with it.I 八下英语作文范文译文:1.在未来的生活 未来,每个家庭将有电脑.电脑将帮助我们更了解世界,我们就可以在线交谈.孩子们将在家里的电脑上学习而不走到学校去学习.科学家将制造许多机器人.它们可以帮助我们做一些家务.例如,烹饪,打扫卫生.并且我认为会有更多的汽车和污染.因此我们应该种植更多的树木,并找到其他有用的解决方案来保护我们的环境.一句话,在全世界生活都将是美好的.2.亲爱的玛丽, 这些日子我有一个烦恼,我需要你的帮助.我没有与我的一些同学友好相处.我不知道为什么.上周星期天,我的一个同学在家开生日聚会.他邀请所有除了我以外的同学.我感到焦虑,我不知道该怎么做.你能告诉我什么是我应该做的吗? 鲍勃3.亲爱的鲍勃, 我知道你的烦恼.你可以做很多事情.以下是一些给你的建议.通过您的来函咨询,我知道你对你的同学有不同的想法.我想你应该和他谈谈,因为这样你们可以更好地相互了解.或者,也许你可以写一封信给他,给他一个生日例外.他会觉得很惊喜.我相信你可以找到一个更好的方法的.祝你好运!4 亲爱的妈妈, 上周我完成了一年的期末考试,今天我拿到了我的成绩单.我总是在我得到了我的成绩单时感到紧张,但幸运的是我这次做得不错.我的语文老师说我是班上最好的,因为我已经花了很大工夫.但我最糟糕的报告是由我的数学老师给的.他说我懒惰.而我的理科老师说我可以做的更好.这就是我成绩单.致以最好的祝愿. 汤姆5. 从星期五下午五时至晚上9时将有一个英语聚会.你可以与您的朋友们来这里.聚会有一些规则,你必须记得.不要携带食物和饮料到场.不要在聚会期间离开.不要穿牛仔裤.如果你穿牛仔裤,我们是不会让你进去的.还有请携带您的身份证.6.我喜欢收集很多东西,比如漂亮的石头,电影,书籍,玩具,著名人物的照片,但我最喜欢收集邮票. 五年来我一直收集邮票.当我还很小的时候,我的叔叔从澳大利亚邮寄给我一张邮票.我立即喜欢上了它。从那时起我试图收集邮票,并爱上了这件事,have more than one hundred stamps.Some were sent by my friends,some were collected by myself;some were from foiregn countries,some were Chinese.I like them.Often,I take them out and show them to my friends.7.向别人提出请求 Dear Mr Smith,I am glad to be your neighborhood.I know your work must be tired,because you got home very late.However, I don`t like sleep too late.Would you mind not make too much noise? Would you mind turning down your TV?Could you please keep quiet.?I am sorry to disturb you.But i think you can understand me,don`t you?Thanks!8.介绍宠物 Many people like animls.I like dogs best.They are popular pets.Because they are easy to take care of .They are cheaper than rabbits or cats.But they are not quiet enough.I like my dog very much.At night he watches TV on my legs with me When I do my homework,he is always around me.When I have some sad things ,I enjoy talking with him.He`s my best friend.9.致谦信:Dear Tom,Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.I'd love to go but I can't.My parents are out on business.They are coming back next month.And now I have to look after my grandma because she is ill in bed.And I also need to study for my coming end-of-year exam.I'm very sorry but I can't go to your party.Thank you for asking me.I hope you can have a good time. Yours, Jim现在我有一百多张了.有些是朋友们送给我的,有些是我自己收集的;一些是国外的,有些是中国的.我 很喜欢他们。我常常带他们出去,并把他们展示给我的朋友们看.7.亲爱的史密斯先生, 我很高兴成为你的邻居.我知道你的工作一定很累,因为你回家很晚.然而我不喜欢太晚睡觉.请不要弄太多噪音,好吗?你介意把你的电视音量调小些吗?能否请你保持安静?我很抱歉打扰你了.但我想你能理解我的,不是吗?谢谢!8很多人都喜欢动物.我最喜欢狗,他们是很受欢迎宠物.因为他们很容易照顾.它们比兔子或猫便宜.但他们不够安静. 我很喜欢我的狗.晚上当我做我的功课时他就在我的腿上躺着看电视,他总是围绕着我转.当我有些伤心事时,我喜欢说给他听,他是我最好的朋友.9.致谦信:.亲爱的汤姆, 非常感谢您邀请我参加你的生日聚会.我很想去,但我不能.我的父母都出差了.他们个才会回来。现在我要照看我的奶奶,因为她生病卧床休息.并且我还需要为我的期末考试而学习.我'非常抱歉,但我不能去你的聚会,谢谢你邀请了我.希望你们愉快. 你的,吉姆

My future life when i grow up,I want to be a well-known writer.In this way ,i will be able to do something meaningful that other people can not do .For instance,I must have much free time to travel around the world.Not only can i enjoy myself ,but also can i introduce different cultures to people and open their eyes to the outside world.what's more,as a writer,I will make much money so that I can help some poor childen who are out of schools.In a word ,I think if we put every time to good use ,the world must be a beautiful wonderland.In order to have a bright future,i will try my best from now on!怎么样 现场写的








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