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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-24)英语课件70



From the perspective of people's Livelihood: education brings more economic pressure and mental anxiety to many families, there are many voices of unfair education, and the population's fertility enthusiasm is not high. Three mountains: house, education and medical treatment, of which the real estate policy has been overweight layer by layer and has achieved results; Education policy has just begun. As for whether there will be big moves in medical treatment, I don't think it will be in the short term. First, China's medical Pratt & Whitney is no worse than that abroad, and there are no major problems; Second, it does not involve ideology; Third, the country is widely recognized in epidemic prevention, and the government image is high.

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From the perspective of people's Livelihood: education brings more economic pressure and mental anxiety to many families, there are many voices of unfair education, and the population's fertility enthusiasm is not high. Three mountains: house, education and medical treatment, of which the real estate policy has been overweight layer by layer and has achieved results; Education policy has just begun. As for whether there will be big moves in medical treatment, I don't think it will be in the short term. First, China's medical Pratt & Whitney is no worse than that abroad, and there are no major problems; Second, it does not involve ideology; Third, the country is widely recognized in epidemic prevention, and the government image is high.

















你可以参照一下这个:减“重”不减压,合理促进学生健康成长 双减政策的出台,让许多学生和家长在拍案叫绝的同时,也让我们看到了许多的教育契机。双减政策作为主要针对义务教育阶段的学生来说,无论是对校外培训机构的一个整治,还是校内教育的良性长远发展,都是利国利民,利于教育,更利于学生的学习和成长。 双减政策的用意就是让我们知道教育应该要回归本质,家庭教育也是。父母作为孩子的第一任老师,应该和孩子一起慢成长,终身成长,而不是焦虑内卷。所以面对“双减政策”,家长对于孩子的态度是既不过度焦虑,也不彻底“放手”,而是应该陪伴孩子、看到孩子们的发展潜力、促进孩子们的综合发展,从而帮助他们找到自己人生的方向;除此之外,家长还要着重培养孩子的自主学习能力,培养孩子的自律性和时间管理能力,引导孩子给自己设立目标和计划,并严格遵守。在这个过程中,家长要学会放手,给孩子多一点的空间和自我成长的能力。 作为真正

作为真正受益与“双减政策”的学生本人,应该掌握学习主动权。面对竞争激烈的社会,也不可掉以轻心,不可懈怠,要调整学习战略,学会掌握学习方法,不断提升自身综合能力。除此之外,当有机会可以从忙碌的补习中抽离出来,那就更好全身心的去发展自己的兴趣爱好,学会享受生活、健康快乐成长。 面对“双减政策”,除了家长和学生,真正应该发挥自主性的还有老师。因为减负减的是学生的学业负担、家长的经济负担,却更多的对老师提高了要求,所以老师要有高效的课堂效率,要有高效的布置作业的能力,高效的家校沟通的能力,高效的对学生素养培养的能力。老师作为教学的主要角色,应该提高课堂的趣味性、有效性,让课堂真正回归到教和学上来,比如在备课的时候要想方设法激发学生的学习兴趣,同时确保目标更加精准,方法更加有效。在有限的时间内让学生用习得的方法去自主学习,然后及时的检测反馈。通过反馈不断的对课堂教学进行调整和改进,把学习认知的过程

作为真正受益与“双减政策”的学生本人,应该掌握学习主动权。面对竞争激烈的社会,也不可掉以轻心,不可懈怠,要调整学习战略,学会掌握学习方法,不断提升自身综合能力。除此之外,当有机会可以从忙碌的补习中抽离出来,那就更好全身心的去发展自己的兴趣爱好,学会享受生活、健康快乐成长。 面对“双减政策”,除了家长和学生,真正应该发挥自主性的还有老师。因为减负减的是学生的学业负担、家长的经济负担,却更多的对老师提高了要求,所以老师要有高效的课堂效率,要有高效的布置作业的能力,高效的家校沟通的能力,高效的对学生素养培养的能力。老师作为教学的主要角色,应该提高课堂的趣味性、有效性,让课堂真正回归到教和学上来,比如在备课的时候要想方设法激发学生的学习兴趣,同时确保目标更加精准,方法更加有效。在有限的时间内让学生用习得的方法去自主学习,然后及时的检测反馈。通过反馈不断的对课堂教学进行调整和改进,把学习认知的过程

With the rapid development of China's economy and culture, major reforms have taken place in the education industry this year.

Education brings more economic pressure and mental anxiety to many families, there are many voices of unfair education, and the population's fertility enthusiasm is not high. Three mountains: house, education and medical treatment, of which the real estate policy has been overweight layer by layer and has achieved results; Education policy has just begun. As for whether there will be big moves in medical treatment, I don't think it will be in the short term. First, China's medical Pratt & Whitney is no worse than that abroad, and there are no major problems; Second, it does not involve ideology; Third, the country is widely recognized in epidemic prevention, and the government image is high.

The introduction of the double reduction policy to reasonably promote the healthy growth of students has not only surprised many students and parents, but also let us see m



With the rapid development of China's economy and culture, major reforms have taken place in the education industry this year.

Education brings more economic pressure and mental anxiety to many families, there are many voices of unfair education, and the population's fertility enthusiasm is not high. Three mountains: house, education and medical treatment, of which the real estate policy has been overweight layer by layer and has achieved results; Education policy has just begun. As for whether there will be big moves in medical treatment, I don't think it will be in the short term. First, China's medical Pratt & Whitney is no worse than that abroad, and there are no major problems; Second, it does not involve ideology; Third, the country is widely recognized in epidemic prevention, and the government image is high.

The introduction of the double reduction policy to reasonably promote the healthy growth of students has not only surprised many students and parents, but also let us see many educational opportunities. As the double reduction policy is mainly aimed at students in the stage of compulsory education, whether it is a rectification of after-school training institutions or the benign and long-term development of in-school education, it is beneficial to the country and the people, education and students' learning and growth. The purpose of the double reduction policy is to let us know that education should return to its essence, and so should family education. Parents, as their children's first teachers, should grow slowly and lifelong with their children, rather than worry. Therefore, in the face of the double reduction policy, parents' attitude towards their children is neither excessive anxiety nor complete let go,

but should accompany their children, see their development potential and promote their comprehensive development, so as to help them find their own direction in life; In addition, parents should also focus on cultivating their children's autonomous learning ability, cultivate their children's self-discipline and time management ability, guide their children to set goals and plans for themselves and strictly abide by them. In this process, parents should learn to let go and give their children more space and self-growth ability

As students who really benefit from the double reduction policy, they should master the learning initiative. In the face of a highly competitive society, we should not take it lightly and slack off. We should adjust learning strategies, learn to master learning methods and constantly improve our comprehensive ability. In addition, when you have the opportunity to get away from the busy tutoring, you can better develop your interests and hobbies, learn to enjoy life and grow up healthily and happily. In the face of the double reduction policy, in addition to parents and students, teachers should really give full play to their autonomy. Because reducing the burden is to reduce the academic burden of students and the economic burden of parents, but it has more requirements for teachers.

Therefore, teachers should have efficient classroom efficiency, efficient ability to assign homework, efficient ability to communicate between home and school, and efficient ability to cultivate students' literacy. As the main role of teaching, teachers should improve the interest and effectiveness of the classroom and make the classroom really return to teaching and learning. For example, when preparing lessons, they should try their best to stimulate students' interest in learning, and ensure that the objectives are more accurate and the methods are more effective. In a limited time, let students use the acquired methods to learn independently, and then timely detect and feedback. Through feedback, we constantly adjust and improve the classroom teaching, and put the learning cognitive process into practice











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