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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-24)科学课件42

第六课:What did you do this evening ,Jenny and Li Ming?Watched Bob play basketball!
Did Bob's team play a a game?Yes,his team played the orange team,It was a good game.
Everyone played hard!The blue and orange teams played hard.Now they are tired!
Who won?Bob'team won!The orange team lost!That's great!Did you have fun watching the game?Yes!We yelled for Bob's team!Go!Bob!Go! Blue Team! We bought snacks,too! What snack did you buy? We bought hot dogs and pop!They were good!Here are some other snacks.Donuts!Hamburgers! French fries! Pizza! Sandwiches!
第九课:Class,everyone wants to be strong and healthy.What's strong and healthy?Look!
The flower is strong.It is healthy. This flower is weak.It is sick.Do you want to be strong and healthy ?In the next eight lessons,we are going to learn what to do!First ,always eat breakfast.Why?Because it‘s good for you!How often did Danny and Kim eat breakfast last week?Danny ate breakfast once .When did he eat breakfast?On Tuesday at above 7:30in the morning.Kim ate breakfast six times last week.Good work,Kim!She usually ate breakfast at 7:15.Do you eat breakfast, Li Ming?I always eat breakfast!What do you usually eat for breakfast?I usually eat porridge.
第十课:At 7:15,she eats breakfast .aften breakfast,she brushes her teeth and combs her hair.
These are Jenny's teeth!She's combing her hair!Then she puts on her clothes and goes to school on those days.Jenny, please answer my questions now.What do you do after breakfast ?
I brush my teeth.Why? Because I want strong ,healthy teeth.What do you do before supper?
I do my homework.How often do you play basketball?Three times a week.
第十二课:This is cabbage What coiour is cabbage?It's green.These are peas.Peas are small?I do!These are onions.Do you know onions can make you cry?Watch out!
Danny,how often do you eat vegetables? I don't like vegetables.I like donuts! Donuts!They are good for you! How often do you eat donuts?Usually twice a day! Aften lunch and aften supper.How often do you eat cabbage?I eat cabbage once a year.How often do you eat peas and onions?I like peas more than cabbage.I eat peas above twice a month, but I never eat onion.








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