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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-24)英语课件49

The third is the student life, everything seemed to test.There are one hundred days of exams, I have kind of a warrior to did not return feeling, surrounded by pressure.The teacher said: the focus of high school door only for the hard-working students, can go after all is a few, this last one hundred days is also the most critical. Students ah, insist on is victory ah!Dad said: good to learn ah, this test well take you to travel ah.Mother said:......Depressed ah, just want to escape the test.My childhood is the kind of do not seek motivated students, careless still a good student, at least my rebellious the other side has so far not been teacher and mom and dad found; maximal ideal is a person to travel, go somewhere far away, Chuichui sea breeze, mountain climbing, is very simple but need absolute freedom, but mom listened I sings in the narrative, the phrase idle nothing to do throw it to me to go to bed. Now, junior middle Hua Lala is fell into in the river of time disappeared without a trace, 100 days of heavy pressure over...In order to meet the selection of a (here's best high school) Orsay classes, the school students are concentrated together, into a class together in the evening self-study, euphemistically called virtual class. For the first time, I was very lucky, and unfortunately the score with just brushed the line just managed to squeeze into, accompanied by deskmate purple lotus, but we learn are inside belonging to the middle and lower, and that very playful. When we smooth waste n a night classes. I finally woke up. Here, for us just playing up more convenient. The second time, I was very lucky to squeeze into, unfortunately, purple lotus did not go in, no one to accompany me to play, I had to endure, but no teacher staring, than in the classroom more comfortable.A lot of people say that I am not a good heart, because according to people who check, I sit at the same table, I went to the ditch, every time I do not fall, and I sit at the same table there is no decline. And since that time because I didn't write operation is math teacher scold a meal, other students more think so, math teacher said: you see, purple lotus next to you didn't do, show cloud (my former deskmate) since you don't sit at the same table every time to do a good job... Crash!I hate English, fast test, English is so bad, but the teacher is the teacher of English, so every day, to grasp the English, more than the problem...... Now, I like a question not asked him, often grumble a little numb. I am now a day for English at least a waste of 2/3 of the brain cells, but still not as good as the purple lotus a little look to learn well, probably also need to learn english.No way, the remaining 100 uninvited senior high school entrance examination, what day do? The premise is to adhere to + diligence.Although every day with the success in the examination after the trip to seduce her, looked at the boring English or not go on, he remembered the childhood, there is no academic pressure, melancholy not for no reason, no worries, with friends every day to play. Now learn, grow up, work hard, struggle, the results also declined, each time is full of disappointment.Maybe I really should bear it, graduation is good, really grow up.








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