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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-26)英语课件50

China is one of the founders of modern mechanics, a famous scientist, educator and social activist Qian Weichang in July 30th 6 when make died in Shanghai, at the age of 98.

The life of Qian Weichang legend, young when his abandoned article from science, because the motherland needs is my major; as two bombs and one satellite fathers, he and Tsien Hsueshen, Qian Sanqiang and said that money; later, his advocacy of the credit system, three semester system become the milepost of education reform ... ...

Because of the 9 18 Incident from the text of abandoning Science

In 1912, Qian Weichang was born in Jiangsu Wuxi an literature family. At the age of 18 the university entrance exam, he to Chinese and history two 100 scores entered the Tsinghua University.

Qian Weichang belongs to the partial student, in mathematical physics in a complete mess, only got 5 in mathematics, chemistry, a total of 20 test points, English had learned 0. But it is such a great talent in the history, the mathematical extreme lame students, between one night however made a bold decision: from the text of abandoning Science -- the decision because he entered the Department of history, the very next day, this day is September 18, 1931, the Japanese launched a shocked the world 9 18 Incident, occupied the northeast three provinces. From the radio to hear the news, Qian Weichang sky, he said: I don't read the history department, I want to learn to build aircraft cannon. The needs of the country, is my specialty. Initially, head of the physics department did not receive him, after he bought only reluctantly agreed, but only to try for a period of time. In order to catch up as soon as possible, he gets up early and late, and extremely hard. Upon graduation, he became a physics department in one of the top students.

The paper used to make Einstein sigh

In 1935, he admitted to Tsinghua University Research Institute and the Gao Mengdan scholarship, the tutor under the direction of Wu Youxun spectral analysis. Until 1940 August in Canada in University of Toronto, J.L Singer under the guidance of Professor of the theory of plates and shells, and doctorate in 1942. From 1942 to 1946, he was in the United States and the Jet Propulsion Research Institute, California Institute of Technology, and Tsien Hsueshen, Lin Jiaqiao, Guo Yonghuai, in the world of missile father von Carmen under the guidance of professor in the aviation and aerospace fields of research work. Qian Weichang's doctoral thesis the intrinsic theory of elastic plates, published in the world of missile father von Carmen's 60 birthday anthology, Einstein see, plaint: the China Youth solved my problem for many years. This article has established the Qian Weichang in the United States the scientific status of.

The battle effectiveness of the United States refused to

1946, lives very well in foreign countries Qian Weichang back home, by teaching at the Tsinghua University. He once said: I'm Chinese, I want to go back. Although after returning home, the first month's salary is only enough for a thermos bottle, but I have never regretted it, but have never lost confidence on the country. In 1947, Qian Weichang received a United States engaged in research work. When he arrived in the United States Consulate to fill out the application form, found the last column wrote if China and the United States war, you will be the United States of America effectiveness? Qian Weichang decided to put NO.








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