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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-26)英语课件52

Italian navigator. Born in Genoa, Italy, died in Valladolid, Spain. Life in marine activities. Have moved to Portugal and Spain. I believe the earth sphere, said that the western route from Europe up to the East India and China. In support of the King of Spain, has four times the sea voyage (1492 ~ 1493,1493 ~ 1496,1498 ~ 1500,1502 ~ 1504). Opened a route across the Atlantic to the Americas. Has reached the Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, Dominica, Trinidad and other islands. South Bank debut in the Gulf of Paria American continent.
Honduras in Central America to reach even investigated more than 2,000 km of coastline Bay; know the Isthmus of Panama; discovery and use of low-latitude easterly Atlantic, high latitude westerly winds blowing changes. Prove the correctness of the earth spherical said. To promote the Old and the New World contact. He mistakenly believe that to reach the New World, India, and said local people for the Indians.
Columbus is a strong will of the people to do things even if he encountered difficulties, but would not give up easily discouraged.
Columbus then apply for grants to the king adventure on the sea, but the king refused his request one; Even so, he has continued to meet with the king, made his views.
Columbus sailing trip in a big wind event of the two, food shortages, he could change the plan, halfway out, but he was determined to persist in the end, finally let him go find a new continent.
Columbus later years the king has repeatedly interviewed wanted to write, but has been no response. Columbus did not give up this time, he continued to write, the last king was touched by his sincerity that he personally received.
Columbus is always a determined and aggressive person, encountered any setbacks, he will not be easily discouraged or defeated the words。觉得好要给分哦~~




