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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-04-30)英语课件49

您好The Annual Spring Festival approaching.Xiaoming, back home to see? My father once again asked me. I have the old saying, No, never! The application of my previous at home. We have a place to sleep to sleep on the work of grass, there is no nets in the evening mosquito bites insect bites, has caused my whole accommodation throughout the night sleep; front is a piles of cow dung, foul and dirty, a foot down, feet and do not know to what kind of muddy road there is water, if not carefully security to water, the PIN to put it, not easy to pin drawn to shoes are left in the mire....... my father seems to be seen in my mind, I said, the home' past than this than'. I secretly to think that this is true? I then her parents sitting down auto return home visit grandparents.Came to his hometown,! Really! It is my eyes spent? I rub the rub their eyes, not? It was before the Hang hang Wa Wa, bumpy roads, has now become a fairly broad asphalt roads, the two sides reached the age of the trees and flowers, bees in singing, dancing butterflies and tall buildings and land. I and my father came to his uncle, oh, his uncle was changed, wall brush with white snow, such as powder installed jade wall, such as Silver Package is wrapped. Furniture and new, engraved with dragon and phoenix designs. house very big, they will not have stove and cooking things have changed gas stove, fast and convenient...... I would like to a paradise on earth. Uncle I walked into a room, and opened a printed cloth, ah, this is what I am very familiar things-computer. Uncle skillfully manipulating computer, as if the piano. She also has a computer, she would rather be using the computer. Before the patriarchal concept is also the old society have been. I think the quality home so fast. Lunch, I leisurely to walk, and see far those peasants no longer used ox la plow farmland, but in a variety of tractor ploughing. ploughing, as the voice of the Home praised changes.Hometown has changed, to have changed, and its easy access, and what have a telephone. But what makes them down? I was puzzled, then, the two women laughing. One said: The Government is still good, I do not patriarchal. I now realize that girl is so good! I suddenly realized that this is the Government's credit wow! I want to: If to the future, certainly for the better here!希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~











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