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英语教学方式 英语版作文

zhao_admin1年前 (2022-05-08)英语课件55

With the deepening of the quality of education, new curriculum in education, teaching more and more attention, the teaching of the teaching methods have become increasingly demanding, people have a consensus, scientific and effective teaching methods to promote the improvement of teaching quality. The new curriculum in the context of English teaching methods, the same is to improve teaching effectiveness. However, at present, English teaching methods although there are many changes compared to the original or improved, but they explore the new curriculum reform and reform from the theory and requirements is still far. Therefore, every teacher must consciously change the formation of long-term oriented education in educational thinking, to change its teaching that death to move rigidly applied behavior and, adjusting the training model, in order to achieve the ultimate goal of curriculum reform.

First, carefully study the course objectives, and study courses. The purpose of the course objectives, in fact, in order to understand how curriculum standards advocated by the curriculum, course objectives reflect the clear teaching of subject knowledge and teaching what new achievements and new developments. Therefore, teachers must be able to stand the whole point of view, to systematically study the curriculum standards, well-researched materials, grasp the knowledge of vertical and horizontal linkages, so that the target guiding, improving efficiency.

Second, understand the students, well-designed teaching program. The implementation of the new curriculum must reflect the universal nature of basic and developmental requirements, so that each student be fully developed. To achieve this, requiring every teacher in teaching must be from the reality of the students, a careful analysis of curriculum objectives and teaching tasks, analysis of actual students, based on the organic integration of curriculum resources, linked to the teaching process various parts of an overall arrangement. For each lesson to achieve the teaching objectives of what to teach, how to teach, to what kind of results planning. In accordance with the requirements of the new curriculum, teachers need to reform the teaching methods, switch roles and strive to improve students' ability to collect and process information, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge, analysis and problem solving skills.




