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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-05-11)英语课件51

新目标英语七年级(上)1-6单元作文I.写一段话,谈谈你和同伴各喜欢什么球类运动,不喜欢什么球类运动。Yang Fang likes soccer .I also like soccer .He likes volleyball ,but I don’t like volleyball. I like basketball and ping-pong. He likes sports very much. I like them, too. We like watching sports on TV.II.失,找物布告Found: Pen Lost:Is this your pen? My notebook.Please call Mary. My name is Tony.Phone # 3456754 Please call 6754398III.介绍照片中的人物。Here’s ma my family photo. Look at the old man. He is my grandfather .This is my grandmother .Theses are my parents .My father’s name is Bill. My mother’s name is Mary. This is my uncle. He is an English teacher. This boy is me.IV.给朋友写便条,请他/她从你的5取东西。Dear Dongdong,Can you bring some things to me? I need my hat ,my English book ,my notebook and a set of keys. My hat is on the chair .The English book is on the desk. The notebook and a set of keys are in the drawer . Thanks, Li LeiV. 介绍你的房间Here’s my room .My TV is on the desk .My baseball is on the floor ,under the bed .My CDs are in the backpack .The flowers are on the table .My books are in the bookcase. This is my computer. It is on the desk, next to the window .I like it very much.VI.写一张要求你的同学参加体育俱乐部的海报。Let’s play sports!Do you like sports ?Do you play basketball ?Do you play volleyball ?W have many sports clubs :basketball ,volleyball, soccer, baseball ,ping-pong and more .Please join us!附:参加体育俱乐部的表格First Name: JackLast Name: SmithClass: Class 7,Grade 7Sports you play: Volleyball and baseballVII.根据图片说明Jack喜欢的球类运动。Jack has a great sports collection .He has eight tennis rackets ,nine basketballs and six baseballs .He also has four volleyballs and three tennis rackets .He plays sports every day.VIII. 谈谈你和你的同学早,中,晚餐各喜欢吃的食物My friend Lucy and I like different food. For breakfast ,she likes eggs, bananas and apples, but I like eggs ,milk and hamburgers .For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad and pears ,but I like rice, salad and apples. For dinner, She likes chicken ,tomatoes ,French fries and ice cream ,but I like rice, chicken, tomatoes .I don’t like ice cream.IX.自我介绍Hello.My name is David Smith.My first name is David.My last name is Smith.I am a boy.I am fourteen,I am in Class 7,Grade 7.My good friend’s name is Jack.I like my school.I like my teachers,too.

第一单元:My name is Mary Brown.I am a student.I study in Class Two,Grade Seven.My first name is Mary,my last name is Brown.My telephone number is 535-2375.第二单元:Lost:My dictionary. Found:A set of keys(复数)./Notebook(单数) My name is Mary . Are these your keys?/Is this your notebook? Please call me at 535-2375. Please call Mary at 535-2375.第三单元:Look! This is my family photo. These are my grandparents in the middle.Those are my parents. This my uncle and that's my aunt. They are my brothers. Who's the little boy? Guess ! It's me. I love my family very much.






历届中考英语作文题目和答案 急!!!!!!!!~

历届中考英语作文题目和答案 急!!!!!!!!~

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