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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-05-11)英语课件53

Our dream school Hello,everybody!I am so glad to introduce our dream school. In my heart, our dream school will be very beautiful and colorful. There will be more flowers, grass and trees in our school. There will be less pollution and more fresh air. In addition, there will be many robot teachers in our school and they will replace(取代) teachers` jobs. And students will study on computers and they won`t study on books anymore. So what do you think ? Can you introduce your dream school?


英语七年级下册第四单元作文分新人教版作文和旧人教版作文新人教版作文(关于规则的),参考范文:1、班规Hello, Mary。Welcome toour class. Here are our class rules. You must read it carefully. As a middleschool student we can’t arrive late for class on weekdays. We must wear cleanclothes every day. We must stand up when a teacher goes into the classroom.When you have nay questions in class,please put up your hands. We have to eat and drink in the dining room We haveto clean our classroom every day. Don’t leave school if you are not allowed(允许) . I wish you can obey (遵守)these rules. Thanks ! 2、家规 I am Sally . Every day Iam very busy. I have too many rules in my house. I have to get up at sixo’clock every morning. I must have my breakfast at 7:00 o’clock . I can’t meetmy friends after school because I have to walk my dog.(.溜狗) I can’t watch TV on school nights. And Ihave to be in bed by 10:00 o’clock. On weekends, I have to make my bed and clean my room. Then I haveto wash the dishes. Later I have to go to the Children’s Palace to learn theguitar. I love music. But I can’t listen to music at home .I never have any fun.My life is so boring. What can I do ?旧人教版作文(应聘的和招聘的)参考范文假如你叫Carl Smith ,你擅长写作和交谈。希望在电视台从事记者工作。你的年龄是24岁,会英语和法语两种语言。写一封求职信。50词左右。 Dearsir,I’m Carl Simth.I’m 24years old . I’m goodat writing and talking .I can speak English andFrench . I want to be a reporter in your TVstation .I think I can do wellin the new job .Please give me a chance .I’ll trymy best to do my job better .Thank you very much . Yours, Carl Smith如果你是鹿厂中学的校长,你想招聘一名英语老师,请写一则广告刊登在报纸上。WANTED:Do you like children? Do you kike toteach? Can you ing English song ? Can you speak English well ? If your answeris “Yes”,Then we have a job for you as an English teacher. Please call Mr Smith at 331-425

Our dream school Hello,everybody!I am so glad to introduce our dream school.In my heart,our dream school will be very beautiful and colorful.There will be more flowers,grass and trees in our school.There will be less pollution and more fresh air.In addition,there will be many robot teachers in our school and they will replace(取代) teachers` jobs.And students will study on computers and they won`t study on books anymore.So what do you think Can you introduce your dream school?




