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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-05-11)英语课件61

写作思路及要点:审清题目,确定中心,选择材料。Yuan Longping is known as the father of hybrid rice in China.袁隆平被称为中国的“杂交水稻之父”。Yuan Longping, born in September 1930, graduated from the Department of agriculture of Southwest Agricultural College.袁隆平,1930年9月出生,西南农业学院农业系毕业。After leaving the Institute, he has been engaged in agricultural education and hybrid rice research.离开研究所后,他一直从事农业教育和杂交水稻研究。In the 1960s, when China was suffering from severe famine, he put forward the idea of hybrid rice, which had high yield.20世纪60年代,当中国遭受严重饥荒时,他提出了杂交水稻的想法,这种水稻产量高。Ten years later, he successfully invented a new variety whose yield was 20% higher than that of ordinary rice.十年后,他成功地发明了一种新品种,其产量比普通水稻高20%。Yuan devoted himself to agricultural research and was awarded the honorary title of FAO by UNESCO.袁献身于农业研究,被联合国教科文组织授予联合国粮农组织荣誉称号。Although he is 70 years old, he is still engaged in agricultural research.虽然他已经70岁了,但他仍在从事农业研究。

Yuan Longping is known as the father of hybrid rice in China.袁隆平被称为中国的“杂交水稻之父”。Yuan Longping, born in September 1930, graduated from the Department of agriculture of Southwest Agricultural College.袁隆平,1930年9月出生,西南农业学院农业系毕业。After leaving the Institute, he has been engaged in agricultural education and hybrid rice research.离开研究所后,他一直从事农业教育和杂交水稻研究。In the 1960s, when China was suffering from severe famine, he put forward the idea of hybrid rice, which had high yield.20世纪60年代,当中国遭受严重饥荒时,他提出了杂交水稻的想法,这种水稻产量高。Ten years later, he successfully invented a new variety whose yield was 20% higher than that of ordinary rice.十年后,他成功地发明了一种新品种,其产量比普通水稻高20%。Yuan devoted himself to agricultural research and was awarded the honorary title of FAO by UNESCO.




