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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-05-13)英语课件49

不要失去勇气 Do Not Lose the Courage
I am not a brave girl, I am afraid of losing face in front of my friends and parents, so I always let the chance go and refuse to try. Once, I have a chance to take a performance in the Christmas show, but thinking about if I performed badly, all my friends would laugh at me, so I gave up the chance. But now, I am tired of letting so many chances to go, I want to try, after seeing my friends take all the chances to try, I am not going to be the outsider all the time, I want to live my own life and make some differences. People say failure is not terrible, the unforgettable thing are to lose the courage to try and then making all kinds of excuses. Let’s take out our courage and do what we want to do. 我不是一个勇敢的女孩,我害怕在朋友很父母面前丢脸,因此我总是让几乎溜走,拒绝去尝试。曾经,我有机会在圣诞节目上表演,但是一想到如果我表演不好,所有的朋友都会取笑我,所以我放弃了机会。但是现在,我厌倦了让那么多的机会溜走,我想要尝试,在看了那么多的朋友抓住所有的机会尝试以后,我不准备再当个局外人,我想要活出自己的生活,有所作为。人们说失败并不可怕,失去勇气尝试, 不断找各种借口才是不可原谅的。让我们拿出勇气,做自己想做的吧。

Last night, when I read the news, then I saw the news which was touched my heart, it was said that people were easy to act their bad sides to their relatives, while leaving the good sides to the strangers. I agree to it, indeed, when taking to my parents, I always feel impatient and unwilling to listen to their voices. Sometimes I will argue to my parents and say out some terrible words, hurting their hearts. But when I talk to the strangers, I will be very politely, I am so afraid of leaving the bad impression to the strangers. Until then I did I realize what I had done to my parents, I should not treat them like this, they are the ones who will not leave me when I meet difficulties, I should give them my respect and my kind heart.








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