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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-05-15)英语课件37

Dear mary,
Thanks for your letter.Now,let me tell you the life from my school.I`m from No.3 school,and my school life is too hard.I speak English every day.I usually gets up early in the morning.Then Ido morning exercise in the open air.I study very hard,and I always listn to the teacher carefully.
I have a good family.They are my father,my mother and I.My mother is so beautiful.And my father is too fuuny.We are evry happy.
I hope you can write to me soon.
wei Fang


您好,B: booking-office clerk
X: passenger 1
Y: passenger 2
Z: passenger 3

X: Excuse me. Is there any bus to Shanghai, please?
B: When?
X: Pardon?
B: I mean, when do you set out?
X: Ah, as soon as possible.
B: The earliest you can get is at 2o'clock this afternoon.(最早的是今天下午两点的。)
X: What? That's a little bit too late. Isn't there any earlier?
B: I'm sorry, but we're completely booked up this morning.
X: OK, then. 2pm. would be all right.
X: How much is the ticket?
B: 150 Yuan.
(150 块.)
X: I want a seat next to the window. For I have some carsickness.
Y: Excuse me. I'm in a hurry, so can't you just be a little......
X: OK, OK, just a second, please.
B: It's 150 Yuan, sir.
X: Here it is.
B: Thank you. It's exactly 150 Yuan. And it's your ticket. Next please.
Y: Is there any train to Nanjing, please? I want two.
B: Yes, of course. 10 am.Set out in 30 minutes.
Y: OK, I want two.
B: I see. 350 Yuan each. So, it's 700 altogether.
Y: Here it is.
B: Thank you, Madam. Here are your tickets. Have a nice journey. Next please.
Z: Excuse me, sir.
B: Yes? What can I help you?
Z: I have to get on the bus in ten minutes, but I just can't find it.
B: Show me your ticket.
Z: Here you are.
B: It's on the ground floor. Get out from the elevator, and you can see it on your left.
Z: Thank you very much, sir.
B: You're welcome, young man. Good luck.








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