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求一篇关于 中医和西医的英文文章

zhao_admin1年前 (2022-05-19)英语课件219

The Difference Between Allopathic Medicine(西医) and TCM(中医)Allopathic medicine is mainly focused on structures and materials. When we think about the body from an allopathic perspective, we think about things that can be seen and quantified. For example, when we think about blood, we talk about white cell counts or hemoglobin levels. We talk about the material aspects of blood. In TCM, we are most concerned with function. TCM practitioners focus on Qi (vital energy) activity and consider its movement. When all areas of the body are in proper balance and Qi flows smoothly, evenly, and calmly, a person will be healthy. If, for instance, the movement of Qi gets stuck in a particular area or if there is a Deficiency of Qi, there will be problems. Qi cannot be quantified. There is no blood test or x-ray that can detect Qi. Rather, the TCM practitioner must use other methods to detect if something is wrong.When a TCM practitioner refers to the Liver or Spleen, people unfamiliar with TCM picture the actual organ liver or spleen. But when a TCM practitioner says that something is wrong with the Liver, this does not mean that the organ liver is necessarily sick. The Liver system in TCM covers a much greater area of the body than simply the actual organ and the TCM practitioner is once again more focused on function than structure.Allopathic medicine and TCM are very different paradigms. It is very difficult to translate between the two. This is why the diagnosis a person receives from an allopathic physician is often of little consequence to the TCM practitioner. For example, if you tell the TCM practitioner you have migraines, he or she must still ask many questions. Where is the pain exactly? How long have you had the problem? How would you describe the pain? What other symptoms accompany the pain? The answers to these and other questions plus TCM methods of diagnosis (pulse, tongue, nails, etc.) help the TCM practitioner understand the underlying condition. There are many different parameters the TCM practitioner uses to arrive at the underlying condition. This underlying condition (e.g. Blood Stagnation, Qi Deficiency, Damp-Heat, etc.) is what is treated. Thus the purpose of treatment is not simply to control symptoms but rather to restore balance and therefore eliminate symptoms altogether. This is the main reason it is very difficult to self-treat and self-diagnose in TCM. It takes years of training and practice to understand the diagnostic and treatment principles of TCM. A trained TCM practitioner is best able to diagnose and treat you effectively.








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