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访客2年前 (2021-04-21)英语课件100


college romance
Today I want to talk about the college romance. As well known. college differ those schools we had learn in previous. we will start our new life here. new life could be our true life as a human being. and as a social animal. While setting foot in university. we have start our new life on new life stage in the meantime. so everyone has beautiful dream to the future and different people have different ideas. But there should have a point in common. a point we have pour in ideal thought. that is romanticism.
As time goes by. we get changed meantime in every proportion such as look and character. and so on. There also do with thought. which gradually tend to adult. We start to think carefully about future. and I`m sure most of us will go to think about his or her life partner. As people usually have beautiful dream about things before they do them. we surely have been thinking some sweet things like an ideal encounter. So college life could be an exiting period.
Therefore college students usually think so highly about romance that they try to make things have style and romantic every now and then. But refer to love no one could define it precisely. and the most of us almost as innocent. so our romanticism locate on fantasy. If we want to have a real-life and beautiful life. firstly we should have clearly opinion about love. In my opinion. the love represents the responsibility. The love is the excessively pretty flower in the world. which has thoughtful function. for example restoring the scar in soul. Only make much of love can we have a goodtime in the future.








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