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《手机改变生活》 英语ppt演讲

访客2年前 (2021-04-21)英语课件102

Cell phones are having a great influence in our live and are very convenient to keep with us. Cell phones are a faster and more effective way to transfer information. Indeed, it is a resource that gives its user's great advantages.
The more you talk, the more you know how to talk and the better your communication skills become. This is applicable if you're a sensible person and keep note of your interacting habits over the phone. It can be a communication tutorial!
Nothing more than a cell phone comes to great help in emergency. You are driving by the freeway and the vehicle jams and cell phone comes to your rescue. You are stuck in a lone place, again call somebody and ask for directions.
Parents can be a little less worried about their kids by being in constant touch with them.
If you're a net-savvy, you can have Internet handy all the time and anywhere the signal of your cell phone provider can reach.
Trendy and stylish cell phones can be used as a bait to receive attention. It can be part of fashion and styling.
From the industy and economy point of view, cell phone companies (communication industry) is florishing with market capital in billions. This is a good thing for the economy to be smooth and healthy.
Companies find it yet another medium to advertise their products; so another medium to reach the consumers.
Nowadays, cell phones are not just phone calls; they're about messaging, vidoe, songs, games, alarm clock, notes, calendar, reminder, etc. So one equipment, lots' of uses!
Although cell phone use can be dangerous while driving but sometimes it can be a time-saver - you are driving and simultanesouly discussing some urgent matter as well. A sensible and only urgent usage during driving can be a great help at times.








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