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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-05-20)英语课件38

Many people under the pressure, like don't get good grades in study or don't do well in work. They feel tired.It is bad for healthy and study to be sressed.So we should know how to relax. First of all, wo need to forget the things that make us nervous. Then we can do some activites we like to do.It also can help you be relaxed to eat some fruit. At last, keeping in a good interest to your life. It is improtant way to relax,isn't it?你先写,不行的话,4点再说,我重新写一篇就是了。。。谢谢。。。给悬赏啊


Over the weekend, I take long trips with my family to go to Wuxi. We had been there for two days, the first day, we visit the famous Yuantouzhu parks and some other places of interest, and take a lot of photos. The second we went shopping, bought some souvenirs and local food. We had a good time, do not forget this unpleasant experience. Last weekend, my family and I take the bus to the Wuxi. We stayed there for two days, on the first day, we browsed some of the famous yuantouzhu Park and other attractions, and took many photos. Second we went shopping and bought some souvenirs and local food. We had a good time, will not forget this unpleasant experienceover the weekend, my family and a long distance bus ride to the Wuxi. In that we spent two days, in the first day, we view the famous yuantouzhu park and a number of other scenic spots, and made a number of photographs. 2 we go shopping, buy some souvenirs and local food. We are playing a very happy, and will never forget this experienceIn last weekend, I and the family member rode the long-distance vehicle to go to Wuxi together.We have stayed two days in that, in first day, we glanced over the famous yuan small piece of land surrounded by water park and other some scenic spots, and has made many pictures.Second we go to the shopping, has bought a souvenir and local food.We play very happy, cannot forget this happy experience.In last weekend, i and my family take a long distance bus go to wuxi. we were there for two days and during the first day, we have the famous yuantouzhu park and some other places, and take many photographs. second, we go shopping and get some souvenirs and the local food. we enjoyed ourselves very much, forget this experience你自己选吧









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