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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-05-25)英语课件38

last sunday, my parents and I went to Beijing tour.The weather was particularly sunny,In the morning, we take a bus to the Badaling. Imposing Great Wall stretches for thousands of miles, and then boarded the go, feel the ancient wisdom and hard work.1:30 pm, we had lunch, and then went to the supermarket.In the evening, happily embark on return journey.I will also plan Guangxi Guilin, Xi'an and other places, enjoy the beauty of the country.


您好,我是被保送到英语专业的一本大学生,按照您的要求写了这篇文章,不知能否帮上您的忙: It was pretty sunny last Monday , I , together with a few my alien friends and gusts cycled to your holley destination —— the Great Wall. To tell you the truth , we have been imagining visiting there for quite a long time , and eventually we fulfilled our dream . After approximately one hour’s cycling , the grand splendid construction appeared in front of us . “our efforts count!” one of my foreign friends shouted stimulatedly. The Great Wall, which looks much likely a huge stationary dragon , lies silently on the beautiful , historical ground . “That’s regarded as the symbol of China ! ” I said proudly ,’It is one of the ten architecture miracles on the earth ! ’ With a delightful and modest sensation , we walked upwards the respectable construction , feeling the incredible intelligence of ancient Chinese architects and labours . In the process of climbing , I sincerely wish that China would become stronger and stronger. We spent the whole afternoon on the wall , and no one felt like going back until too late in the evening . We do enjoy this significant journey ! 逐句的中文翻译:(为了更通俗易懂,部分语句采取意译) 上周一天气很好,我跟一些老外朋友、客人们骑着自行车驶向我们神圣的目的地—— 长城。跟你说句明白话吧,我们已经有好长时间想象着去那儿了,这回总算实现了我们的心愿。 大概过了一个小时的车程,那雄伟豪迈的建筑在我们面前出现了。“我们的努力是值得的!”我的一个外国友人激动地叫着。 长城,它好像一条静止的巨龙,平静地躺在美丽而历史悠久的土地上。“长城被认为是中国的象征,”我骄傲地说着,“它是世界十大建筑奇迹之一!” 怀揣着既兴奋又谦卑的心情,我们在这值得尊敬的建筑上 向上行走,并感受着古中国建筑师、劳动人民难以置信的智慧。在这登山的过程中,我由衷地祝愿中国变得越来越强大。 整整一个下午,我们呆在了长城上,直到晚上很晚的时候才有人想要回家。我们确实很享受这次富有意义的旅行!

仅供参考,希望对你有帮助。(除去标点符号,共141个单词)One Day .I went to the Great Wall.I got on the bus in the early morning. On my way to the Great Wall, I saw lots of new buildings being built here and there.Beijing is changing a lot every day. After two hours the Great Wall appeared before my eyes.I saw that some foreigners also visted the Great Wall.The Great Wall was so wonderful that I could not help cheering. At once I started towards the top. I were very glad to be heroes in the end. I found that my classmates visited the Great WallHow great the Great Wall is! We were proud of the Great Wall and the people who had built it. And we made our mind to work harder than before. We will try our best to make our motherland richer and stronger.翻译如下:有一天,我去登长城。一大早我就坐上了公共汽车。一路上,我看见到处都有高楼在施工。北京每天都在发生巨大的变化。 两小时后,长城映入我的眼帘。我看见一些外国人也来参观长城。她是那么壮观,我都忍不住欢呼起来了。我没有停留片刻,立刻向最高处进发。我很高兴最终成了“英雄”。我发现我的同班同学也来参观长城,我们感叹长城可真了不起呀!我们为长城也为建造她的人们感到骄傲。我们下决心更努力地学习,为我们祖国的繁荣富强而贡献力量。




