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急求:牛津小学英语3B Unit5课件及教案

访客2年前 (2021-04-24)英语课件79

New words: plus minus wrong right

New sentences: What’s … plus\minus …? It’s …

That’s right.

You’re wrong.

Teaching procedure:

T: Let’s sing a song “1,2,3,4 How are you? How are you? How are you?

5,6,7,8,9,10 How are you?

1,2,3,4, How do you do? How do you do? How do you do?

5,6,7,8,9,10 How do you do?”

Step1 Greeting

Step2 Warm-up

T:Today I’m happy. Are you happy?

S: Yes, I am.

T: Let’s sing the song “Ten little Indians”.(CAI)

Step3 Free talk

1. T: What’s your name?

S: I’m …

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

2. T: Look at my coat!

S: How nice!

T: Thank you.

3. T: Excuse me, what’s this? (借用学生的文具盒)

S: It’s a pencil box.

T: Can I have a look?

S: Sure. Here you are.

T: Thank you.

4. T: Open your pencil box, please.

S: (stand up and open his pencil box)

T: How many pencils are there in your pencil box?

S: …

T: Count them, please.

S: 1,2,3,4,5.

Step4 Review the numbers

1. T:Now let’s count 1 to 20. (CAI: 气球)

2. T: Well done. I’m so happy. Now, let’s play a game. When I stop, you say the number .(CAI:数字转盘游戏)

Step5 New teaching

1. T: Numbers are so interesting in our life. We can also use them to do maths problems. (我们可以用来解决数学问题)

(老师手持三只红苹果卡片) Look! I have some apples here! How many red apples can you see?

Ss: Three.

T: Now, I put them on the tree. Look at the other apples. What color are they? (老师展示两只黄苹果卡片)

Ss: Yellow.

T: How many?

Ss: Two.

T: (手势: 边指苹果树上已贴好的三个红苹果边晃着手中的两只黄苹果)

Three apples, two apples, how many?

Ss: Five.

2. T: (指向树) 3 apples,2 apples, there’re 5 apples. Three plus two is five. Read after me, “Three plus two” (卡片纸)

(“plus” read one by one,plus、plus,加、加、加)

T: Let’s read these words. (CAI)

Ss: cup, bus, up, rubber.

T: Read after me, plus-plus-3 plus 2

Ss: …

T: I hide sth on the apple. Do you want to know? I will pick.

T: Look at the apple.(老师依次翻开第一个苹果,第2、3、4个苹果有学生上台翻,操练完第四个加法算式,引出“That’s right.”的句型。)

S:(read one by one,read together)

3.巩固加法算式: CAI: 找朋友

T: Well done. Let’s play a game: where’s my friend(CAI)? First one, who can read?


T: Where’s his friend?

S2: ( answer)

4.T: Well done, let’s read this (CAI: 3+2)


T: Do you know (CAI: 在3+2 后面加上等号和问号: 3+2=?) How to say?

T: We can say “What’s 3 plus 2 ?” (句子教学,分组读,然后问学生,并引导学生回答)

S: It’s five.

T: That’s right.

T: Can you ask your partner?

S1: What’s 3 plus 2?

S2: It’s five.

S1: That’s right.


T: Can you ask me?

S: What’s 3 plus 2?

T: It’s 5.

S: That’s right.


T: What’s 1 plus 2?

S: It’s 3.

T: That’s right.

T: Can you make a similar dialogue in your group?

Ss practice and act.

2. 画外音,用来巩固加法、减法和引出You’re wrong.

T:Now let’s have a competiton with Micky Mouse.

(CAI出现Micky mouse) First, he asks, we answer.

1)画外音: What’s 6 plus 7? Ss: It’s 13.

画外音: That’s right.

2) 画外音:What’s 4 plus 8? Ss: It’s 12.

画外音: That’s right.

3) 画外音: What’s 11 plus 6? Ss: It’s 17.

画外音: That’s right.

T: Now let’s ask Micky mouse together. (题目:5+2=? 10+4=? 14+4=?用CAI呈现)

1)Ss: Micky, micky, what’s 5 plus 2?

画外音:It’s 7.

Ss: That’s right.

2)Ss: Micky, micky, what’s 10 plus 4?

画外音: It’s 14.

Ss: That’s right.

3) Ss: Micky, micky, what’s 14 plus 4?

画外音: It’s 20.

T: Let’s say “Micky, micky, you’re wrong.” to Micky Mouse.(利用卡片进行教学,并节奏朗读Sorry, sorry, you’re wrong.)

T: Well done. I’m happy. Are you happy?

Ss: Yes.

T: So let’s say a chant.

(CAI) Apples, apples, two apples.

Apples, apples, four apples.

How many, how many,

How many apples? Six, six, six apples.

Right, right,

That’s right.

Pears, pears, three pears.

Pears, pears, six pears.

How many, how many,

How many pears?

Seven, seven, seven pears.

Wrong, wrong,

You’re wrong.

Step6 Have a rest. Enjoy a song “Eight little baby ducks”(CAI出现画面,录音机放歌曲)

1.T: Let’s enjoy a song “8 little baby ducks”. Ss: (enjoy the song)

(CAI: 走掉三只鸭子) T: How many ducks?

Ss: Five.

T: 八只小鸭走掉三只,八减三,用英语怎么说呢?Oh,let me tell you. We can say

(CAI: 8-3) eight minus three (read one by one, group by group,老师及时给That’s right的评价。)





