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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-05-28)英语课件52

I like football,参考:)~~

I wanna tell you this is true!
Send a football picture here...
When I began watching football matches,my favourite star is Owen ,which is played in Liverpool in England.But now,he has gone to Royal Madrid.So the impression of him is not as good as before.

If you want to ask someone exactly what sports they like or play, you can say: What sports do you play? What sports do you play?I love this game from my childhood.When I was in senior school,
the soccer storm of world cup 98 sweep all over the g缉郸光肝叱菲癸十含姜lobe, from
that football become part of my life.

Now,I support Ronaldinho.I support Bassarona ! Ronaldinho is a talent!I admire him very much. When he plays football,I can see the splendid smile on his face always.
This is the picture which is he won the champion ,so glad ,
Maybe someone will ask me what about Beckham David.
I wanna tell you ,I don't like him at all!!!!So don't ask me any more.

Good Writing, Bad Writing?
Despite the modern desire to be easy and casual, Americans from time to time give thought to the language they use, to grammar, vocabulary, and official languages. And, as on other issues, they divide into two parties. The larger, who includes everybody from the plain people to the professional writer, takes for granted that there is a right way to use words and construct sentences and many wrong ways. The right way is believed to be clearer, simpler, more logical, and hence more likely to prevent error and confusion. Good writing is easier to read; it offers a pleasant combination of sound and sense.
Against this majority view is the doctrine of an opposing minority, who make up for their small number by their great learning and their place of authority in the school system and the world of scholarship①. They are the professional linguists, who deny that there is such a thing as correctness. The language, they say, is what anybody or everybody speaks. Hence there must be no interference with what they regard as a product of nature. They denounce all attempts at guiding choice.
Within the profession of linguists there are, of course, fighting factions, but, on this conception of language as a natural growth with which it is criminal to interfere, they are at one. In their arguments one finds appeals to feelings of social equality (all words and forms are equally good) and individual freedom. These beliefs further suggest that the desire for correctness, the very idea of better or worse in speech is what is left over from noble and humble times. To the linguists, change is the only rule to be obeyed. They consider it to be equal with life and accuse their critics of being clock-reverses, enemies of freedom, menaces to“life”.










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