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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-05-28)英语课件28


When I was twelve, there was one spring morning in my life that totally changed my vision of the future. That morning was devoted to a school outing to an experimental solar power plant in Nebraska. Suddenly, something, which was supposed to be a bit of scientific bore, became a turning point, which shaped my vision of my future career and the professional goals.

Before that, I had been an ordinary kid, who, despite being a keen science fiction reader, did not care much about physics, energy problems of our planet, environmental pollution, fossil fuel deficit and power shortages, which influence the life of many people all over the world. However, after an hour and a half at the power plant among spent shining mirror-like battery panels and listening to a worker who was invited to tell us about the plant, I knew what I wanted to do in the future and what would be my life-time professional passion.

Science was my favorite school subject. However, I tried to do well in all the areas of knowledge, as I knew that a good physicist must also possess a deep knowledge of mathematics and solving energy issues require the knowledge of biology. My academic records prove that my school years have not been spent in vain. And now I am ready to work even harder in order to achieve the goals which I determined for myself a long time ago.

In five years time I see myself still studying, as I believe that my ambition for knowledge and academic recognition will probably require more than just a Bachelor’s degree. I hope to be able to show academic results high enough to pursue further academic career. However, I would like to apply for a degree program with a bigger emphasis on the practical hands-on research than on the theoretical basis. This will hopefully comprise a proper basis for my further employment in the sphere of energetics with the possibility to work in the sector of alternative energy sources, where I will try to perform successfully both as an educator and a researcher.

Our world today faces a serious problem of energy consumption and I firmly believe that my future profession will not only give me a chance to go in for my personal scientific interests, but it will also be of a certain use for the society and will help to solve a number of burning environmental issues. And I am ready to use all my mental potential and determination to prove that my ambitions are well-grounded.

---------------------------second essay---------------
Footsteps in the Walk of Life

By Aafiya Contractor

Have a few minutes to spare? I never seemed to have enough time for anything during the past few years—or so I thought. The pace of everyday life consumed my thought processes. I was usually thinking ahead to what I had to do next and I still find a seemingly endless supply of old “to do” lists every time I turn around. Having been in school since I was five with little breaks in between, I always thought about how things would be once I finished school. Here I am at the end of my school career, and in an ironic way it is just the beginning.

I grew up complaining about school just as all kids do, counting down until I graduated from high school. It’s almost funny that I decided to become a teacher and work with kids in SCHOOL for the rest of my life! Visions of being a fun and brilliant teacher danced in my head as I imagined myself captivating the students and planning all sorts of fun activities and field trips. What creativity! What talent! What power! In reality, I have far to go before coming close to being such an idealistic teacher! In fact, I feel comfortable knowing that I will probably never be like the teacher in that vision, yet hopeful because there will always be something I can work towards.

I realize that my journey to this point has been a journey seeking empowerment, and I have found that empowerment. As a teacher, I am empowered to use my creative skills to help others. I am empowered to improve my teaching skills. I am empowered to make the world a little better. I am empowered to empower others.

I want this sense of empowerment to continue throughout my life. Learning empowers, and so I want to be a life-long learner. Learning without teaching others is like planting a seed that never grows, and so I want to be a life-long teacher as well. I know that as a teacher and a learner I, just as everyone else, have strengths and weaknesses. To discover strength is always rewarding because it gives me a sense of accomplishment. To discover weakness should still be rewarding in the long term, because acceptance and subsequent action brings me one step closer to being a better person.

As time passes day by day, it is hard to look back at my regrets and encouraging to look back at my successes. I look ahead and try to motivate myself to do the best that I know I can as I encourage others to do the same. When I think about my future plans, I see a sea of possibilities. Teaching full time or part time, continuing to grow as an educator, using my skills to teach the children I hope to have, finding a mentor, serving as a mentor, etc. I guess it all depends on what is in store for me. The choices I make are like footsteps in the walk of life. They lead to where I’m meant to be, and I hope and pray that in my journey I will be guided from above.
third one:

My Future Plans (an essay I wrote in school and still read for inspiration)

By this title, I am guessing most of you are thinking what you will be doing next weekend or even tomorrow. You would be expecting me to write that I’m going to get ‘locked’ with my friends, but no! I hope to remember what I did the next day or even in a few years time…I want to be able to say when I’m old, that I lived my life to the fullest.

Firstly, this summer, I don’t want to waste it like I did every other summer. I don’t want to sleep all day. I want to live, I want to visit museums, go to the cinema, do things I’ve never done before just for the sake of doing it. I want to visit fungi the dolphin. I want to make friends with a random stranger, I want to chat up a granny and ask her to dance with me, who knows I may even get a kiss. I want to climb a mountain. I want to live. And when I die I want to see what a life I have lived. I want to live, but not only to live, I want to love. I want to have fun with a maiden, meet her parents. I want to get in trouble with her dad for kissing her in public. I want to live, I want to love and I want to be happy.

Then when summer ends, I want to go to college. I hope to go to college in Scotland. Scotland?? Why Scotland?? New fun, new faces, new things to do, I want to explore our world. On a whim, I will get on a plane, not knowing where I’m going or for how long and see what happens. See new places, try new foods, and get thrown in jail in a few new countries.

When I do finally settle down, I don’t want to have to work some dead end job in a cubicle, not getting to see anybody…I want to be out there talking to the people, laughing with the people, being one of those people.

I don’t want to just be making up the numbers, I want to be number one, I want to lead from the front, I want to save a life or two, I want to make a difference. I am sure most of you think I’m a bit fanatical but I could not bear doing the same thing day-in day-out, just filing numbers into a computer, I would prefer to saw off my left arm than work for the ‘man’ as so many hippies have talked about. My reasons are different however. I don’t care if a multi-million dollar corporation makes a bit more profit or not. It’s just that people who work for the ‘man’ tend to be as stimulating as a plank of wood. I want to jump from planes for a living. I want to do something interesting and exhilarating. I want to save a woman from a burning building. If I find a woman I like, who likes me, I don’t want to have to slow down. If she could keep up with me, great, and if she pushed me further, then even better.

I don’t want to die young but I don’t want to die old after having ‘lived’ a boring life.




