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zhao_admin12个月前 (05-31)英语课件49

I am ninth grade right now. I am going to face a big challenge. the big challenge is the final examination. what i get on the final examination decide what high school i am going to. Therefore, i am going to study hard. for example, i am going to pay attention in all classes. i am going to classes on time. i will ask more question. i will do everything that can enhance my grade. i really want to go to a good high school.

求四篇英语作文范例 120字左右 1、寒假计划安排 2、有关“朋友”话题 3、有关肢体语言交流 4、保护环境

My winter vocation Winter holidays are coming. I am going to get up very late at about half past nine because I feel litter tired. now I am on vacation.
I don’t have to go to school. How wonderful ! During this vacation I can do lots of interesting things. For example, I am going to play basketball , computer games and some other games. But of course, I must always remember that I am still a student .
I am going to read a lot of books and finish my homework On New Year’s Eve , my family will gather together eating , talking and watching TV for almost the whole night . And there is going to be some interesting programmers on TV .
I think I am going to be very happy in this winter holiday.
My best friend is ...She is in our class,too. When we began to study at this school, we knew each other and became good friends. She is a beautiful girl with shoulder-length hair. She has a round face and two big black eyes. She studies quite well and she is one of the toppest students in our class. She is kind and friendly and she often helps with my English. I enjoy playing with her because I can learn a lot from her. She likes playing table tennis and waching movies. We often go to movies together. She is polite and modest so I like her very much.
Body language is a language, like those deaf-mutes, body language is communication with the outside world and the only way. For ordinary people, body language can be a better exchange, the better to let others know what you are saying mean. So as to deepen their understanding of what it means, just as English teachers, plus an English-speaking body language can be a better you understand the meaning behind the children will not speak at a time when use body language to tell his parents the idea, which is The realization of people born after the initial exchange.
Protect our enviorment
The earth is our home,we must take care of it.We shoule make a less pollution as we know everybody in north America makes 1000 kilograms of the garbage everyday. Most of it is packaging Most of garbage turns into soil but not to plastic,plastic keeps for many years it will pollute our environment so we shouldn’t waste thing we should make some things for recycling .






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